Opie's pettiness caused people to avoid the show.

39  2017-12-24 by Bouquet_of_seaweed

If somebody went on Stern, then they were "too big for the show" and immediately blacklisted.


Opie being Opie caused people to avoid the show

who did they blacklist because of stern? I cant think of anyone

They didn't blacklist anyone over Stern, but Opie did bring up that certain guests would choose other shows instead because they wanted more exposure. Tracy Morgan was an example. Dice chose Stern over OnA at one point and was mocked relentlessly. But they sucked his dick later on because they needed good guests

As soon as a "regular" guest would start getting a bit of success (kevin hart, amy, etc) Opie would be the first to say "oh we won't see them again" and start bitching, and of course, thats going to try people away. If they were the actual hang they advertised themselves as it would have never been a problem. Instead, they had to make themselves "children of the 80s" and did typical let's go to the calls type zoo radio shit during good interviews and guest segments.

Right. I mean look at Patrice, Louis, Dipaolo, Colin, Dice, Bruer, Rogan.... all blacklisted.

They bitched about Dice because he knocked Opie on Stern, and Louis didn't come back for a while. Even then it was a different atmosphere.

Your point about Dice is a non-point. Even after bashing Opie he came back a couple years later and continued to have in studio and phoner appearances until the end of the show. So quite obviously not blacklisted.

Louis’ first appearance on Stern was in 2006. And he came on O&A plenty in 2006 and his many appearances in 2007 were arguably his best appearances. So im not sure what you mean when you say “he didn’t come back for a while.”

What do you mean by different atmosphere?

He came back after a few years off (when he became famous) then all Opie and Jimmy did was fellate him. Completely different from when he gave us history lessons on racial slurs.

From when he first started going on O&A, Louis CK appeared on the show every single year until the end of the show. He never took “a few years” off/away. Just admit you don’t know what you’re talking about.

There is a 99% chance I have no clue what I am talking about, as I started listening in 2012. I believe that Louis took a break towards the end of OnA and came back to OnJ around the time a movie or show of his was released. By that time, the show had dropped in popularity and could not avoid guests. My hyperbolic point about Opie still stands, he would bitch if someone chose another show over his and would dedicate segments of the show to it.

Oh I’m not defending Opie by any stretch. Also there is a distinct possibility, if not probability, that if Jim was not on the show Opie would have let his ego get in the way and actually have banned those people. But they were all so close to Jim that was an impossibility and everyone knew it.

Like I said Louis was on the show every year until the end but I think the reason it feels like he took time away was because how infrequent and often very short his appearances were.

Your last point is probably true, he took a very involved role in "Louie" and focused on that until the end of filming, at which point it was probably media time.

If any actual "blacklisting" happened it was OnJ when Opie had full control. He did admit to preventing pornstars from coming on, but Mary Jean proves he wasn't entirely wrong.

Give us a kiss.

If you are a large Scandinavian man in makeup, sure.

Louie never did stern wothout doing o&a too. There was never a time where he was only doing stern

Hoo Hoo Robin, that’s something else Opie stole from us. Remember when we discovered Bon Jovi before he was famous, but then shit all over him for going on WPLJ & Z100 instead of our show? Remember I kept ranting and raving for weeks about how Bon Jovi is a fag band that does faggy pop music for little girls on fag stations? He was so mad that he didn’t come back for decades. Hoo Hoo Robin, that was before Opie even started his career. Guess who’s still standing? Old Howie and Bon Jovi, but not Opie.

My first exposure to Howie was a compilation of Van Halen interviews. He was such a weasel and would shit all over whichever lead singer was not in studio.

as opposed to taking a hard stand on which STD-riddled narcissist sang "Ain't Talkin' 'bout Love"?

fuckin' imbecile

David Lee Roth was the STD-riddled narcissist. If DLR was in studio, Howard would say that Sammie was a hack and they were fools for kicking you out. If Sammie was there, the new albums were better than the originals. It wasn't a one time thing either, it was back and forth with each guest as time went on. I believe he even complemented Gary Cherone, and not for his work in Extreme.

More like TOM pettiness tsss.

FAWK YEAH u got no idea wat u just sed

Petti cash tuh you sock cukkah!

Whadaya got a fawkin dog named cash or sumpting?

How about you Petty your dog on he heady?

Yeah he's unduh my mudduh's petti coat. Tsss

"Fawk man, Petty was a rough one this year. Gotta play some Tom Petty comin' back from break, always loved Last Dance with Mary Jean.."

How about Florentine. It was well known that when he did Stern that he wasn’t allowed on O&A and it pissed off Jimmy.

He would get pissed off when psycho mark and spaz would be on other shows just on wnew

Opie and Anthony died when they lost K-Rock in 2009. Only hardcore fans still follow Anthony's podcast or Opie on Twitter.

There is a 99% chance I have no clue what I am talking about, as I started listening in 2012. I believe that Louis took a break towards the end of OnA and came back to OnJ around the time a movie or show of his was released. By that time, the show had dropped in popularity and could not avoid guests. My hyperbolic point about Opie still stands, he would bitch if someone chose another show over his and would dedicate segments of the show to it.