I've watched 2 videos of retards getting Christmas gifts today and I'm not even drunk

0  2017-12-24 by crookedmile


As one of the most prolific alcoholics on this sub I expect you to be blackout shitfaced every time you post. Sort yourself out, u/crookedmile.

So they act all nice and caring yet record it to signal how good they are. I hope all them minus the retard die in a fire.

On one hand, it's great to see kids acting like decent humans. On the other hand, it's frustrating to watch him struggling to tear paper and open a box.

Gawd dammit! don't bring my empathy & niceness out of me, that's not what I'm here for!

Fuks sakes.. Merry Xmas you fukkas!

Here's the catch.

He's actually a size 10 but the tard wanted size 13s for no reason.

Ha, they let retards in the same school as normies.

I wasn’t convinced he was retarded until he started trying to tear about the gift wrap.