If Sue Lightening went to prison, would it be a male prison?

52  2017-12-23 by Suibu


Anthony was all mad about us finding out he fucked that. What a fag he is.

That is gayer than fucking Sue.

Those abs are quite masculine.

Jim must be rubbing off on Ant.

Either I'm looking at a different photo or this sub has a very generous definition of abs.

when compared to Cheetos and hot pocket covered rolls, as flatish manky stomach is feminine abs to this shithole

One time in a drunken low point I tried to jerk off to Sue. HAve you heard her voice though? Totally killed it, almost caught the gay there

One time I fucked a guy in the ass, but that doesn't make me gay.

Yes it does.

He did it on a Sunday, so he is in the clear.

More like in the queer!

You could get AIDS from that?!

It's only gay if the dicks touch.

I think we all have just to see what the fuck the appeal is. Doesn't even try to put on a girly voice. I also watched part of a YKWD with him and Bailey Jay and Sue was faking a Russian accent and claiming it's his regular voice.... They are all dangerously mentally ill.

Turn the sound off, my man.

Agreed, he doesn’t want his mom to hear either.

Next time faggot try Sarina Valentina,Aubrey Kate or Hazel Tucker

I don't care about that, it's the young boy ass and lack of hips that bothers me.

She's got nerds guy voice. It Couldn't be less sexy.

I like to fuck and suck dude as well, almost caught their gay but I'm good so far

"One time in a drunken low point I tried to jerk off to Sue"

You jerk off to trannies, just admit it you scared, fearfully socially conforming faggot

I have no reason to lie to you mr rapist with aids, I couldnt tell you if my subconscious played a role or not but it was my first and last attempt to date.

Were you ashamed of yourself afterward?

Yeah yeah yeah, you're gay, we heard you...

Did you finish tho?

We're not afraid to be who we really are!

He paid to fuck that. I’m sure “she” has standards above Anthony Cumia.

if he fucked it before it was hot then yea id be a little barry'd too

You wouldn't? I mean...

It has that V that points down to the cock. Rikers it is.

he would better have to stretch that boy pussy and mouth before going into the showers

Sue kickstarted my dormant bisexuality.


lol, take out the hair and make up and force her to eat prison food and she would look like your average dude again

Will his awful staple-on tits on top of his natural tits.

I tried to jack it to her blowing some dude, but the lack of head skill made me give up.

she's not a great cock sucker, but she's a total cutie so you can be more patient. She's the kind of girl you'll let learn on your dick.




This is a legitimately good question. Which prison do these mentally deranged fags go?

Don’t post sue unless you’re posting full cock. That picture is a confusing lie.

The picture wouldn't be much bigger.

She'd be prime prag material with the Aryans.

One of them would fall in love with her

Love the OZ reference.

Uhm, this made me think: I can't say I'm into trannies but I wonder how long (short) it would take me to want to get blown by Sue, if I were in prison. Honestly, if my sentence were to be long I might give in very quickly: ...ok, screw it!

Norm is that you?

This dude has better abs than me or anyone on this sub.

Belle of the C-Block ball

More like block the pekahs.

Depends, On Lockup show some places kept them seperate and others with the men

She could jump the border to Canada and Trudeau would pardon "her", canonize "her" as a saint and erect a Sue Lightning statue in front of the Parliament building.

"Miss You!"

This lil fella looks like Tony Soprano's Russian goomar.

Sue said in a tweet that Ant was all about Sue because "I have the body of a 13 year old boy".

After that I have looked at Ant in such a different way.

Sue always makes me hard and it bothers me.


She’d go to a mens prison. In the US when a person sentenced to prison they are sent to one that matches whatever their birth-assigned gender is on their birth certificate.

Except if it's legally changed which can be done in a lot of states.

Lauren Southern really fucked up.

She sure has. She's a fucking mudshark.

I wonder how much sue would get laid by the other ladies in prison.


Whatever her current legally recognized gender suggests.

If you wouldn't fuck that, ur a gay!

God I hope so, his asshole would look like Big Ang's lips.

Is she pre-op or post-op at this point? Asking for a friend.


Removing the dick would ruin the surprise.

So gay...

They would rub the make up off and find the cock in a strip search, so yes.


They keep them in segregation. She wouldn't last 5 minutes on the yard.

"She" would get thrown around like a dog toy.


I wonder what kind of money this thing makes?

What's this picture? I've never seen it before. I absolutely have never masturbated to it and felt bad about myself afterwards last year.

Will his awful staple-on tits on top of his natural tits.