Women are very logical creatures

5  2017-12-23 by NinetyFaaahve


One of his "shocking comments" was saying maybe we shouldn't treat inappropriate behavior and comments the exact same way as a rape or child molesting lol

He's a monster, I agree.

I can't wait until the backlash hits and they're shocked men don't want to play along with their mental illness.

That's already here, which is why 4th wave feminism, otherwise known as anti-feminism is here now. Just another racket that white women developed to con their men after they realized they no longer care/respect/love the dumb disgraceful degenerate anymore.

I'm talking about a world where Matt Damon doesn't need to grovel to Alyssa Milano for simply saying "A pinch on the ass cheek should be less of a crime than being forcefully held down and fucked" when that's just stating the obvious. Of course you've got Christina Hoff-Sommers calling these women mental, but until the majority of the population isn't afraid to laugh in their faces that's not a backlash to me.

Most folks dont give a fuck and arent concerned over the sex lives of well paid narcissists. Some people have religion or toy collections.

that formerly hot, now tubby bitch is involved in this? Cunt.

She's the one that started the backlash against him by tweeting as a man its not for him to say that groping can't be as traumatic as being raped and the media did a bunch of "YAS QWEEN!" bullshit articles on it.

Fat bitch.

Are you sure you're not mistaking one washed-up 90s actress seeking the last flicker of limelight for another? Because the article mentions Minnie Driver.

Goddamn Nazi sympathizer.

Ocean's masterb8

His ex-girlfriend Minnie Driver... said, 'You don't get to be hierarchical with abuse.'

That's right. Deliberately stepping on someone's toe is exactly as bad as genocide; there's no distinctions or shades of grey anymore. Everything is as bad as everything else.

Why we can't just start shooting people for the merest unfounded hint of a consensual sex act, I'll never know.

If women made the law there would be no difference between manslaughter and first degree murder. Fuck that, no difference between assault and kidnapping and raping and murdering someone. Honestly I'm happy this is happening, see how many women agree with this blithering nonsense. Let's build this up to where we can make a case to take their right to vote away.

"And you don't get to tell women that because some guy only showed them their penis their pain isn't as great as a woman who was raped."

See? She's right, seeing a penis (on a man, or an animal at a zoo, for example) is exactly as painful as being raped.

I'm kind of curious whether Damon ever blew his load on her tits; because by her logic, masturbating to orgasm in front of a consenting witness (like Louis did) is exactly as bad as being raped.

I support you, Minnie Driver, you penis-witnessing victim of a powerful Hollywood man you dated for years without complaint. And thank you for reminding me that you exist; I thought you'd died in the 90s with your career.

2017 was the year I just went full misogynist. Women are the niggers of gender.

John Lennon tried to warn us.

Black men definitely went above women in 2017. At least they're returning to work. Women are crazy batshit lunatics

People are fucking morons.

They prefer cunt americans

I can't even begin to imagine how good the reviews are going to be for "Ocean's 8"

Isn't it enraging?

You don't think movie (((reviewers))) will be able to separate their politics and review a movie based on merit and craft? You sir are a negative Nancy.

Jesus Christ... nothing he said was even remotely mean-spirited or outrageous.

Women are just as strong, powerful, and smart as men.

However, if a woman accuses a man of something, the man and his close circle of friends should not be able to launch a public defense because women might be traumatized. If even of whiff of improper behavior surrounds a man, other men should shun him no matter how questionable or vague the accusations are.

There's no debate anymore. Men are way better than women.

20,000 signatures? I don't see them spending the hundreds of thousands of dollars reshooting scenes just to make a tiny portion of cunts and soyboys happy.

All kidding aside, arent womem borin?

We should start our petition to commend him for his sexual assault