Erock deleted this vague tweet. Mass shooting planned?

37  2017-12-23 by Dennyislife


I hate how this fat walrus fuck can never just say something. He always had to talk in riddles.

it's more like he talks like a redditor. cryptic messages that try and make you seem intelligent. less words the more intelligent/witty u are

He also looks like one with his bordline autism and obesity.

Visible autism.

"I buried Opie."

Sounds like someone else we know.

You love it.

Nah, weight loss goals more likely. Fatsos like Erock tend to wallow in the fantasies of their doomed New Years resolutions this time of year.

"Don't come to Sirius next year."

His Twitter avatar has him featuring angel wings, so he is prepared to die.

Either from diabetes or an active shooting event.

Targets may be SXM or the secret gov laboratory that caused his overnight trisomy 21.

HA! Made me laugh out loud with this...hilarious.

The nation is in mourning today after a gunman opened fire on the guests at an Old Country Buffet

Lost his job that he's been posting cryptic pictures about

Was on ants show Wednesday saying he's doing freelance work at various places

he's running a tow truck business

What is he Bob Kelly’s driver or sumpthin? Get it? I’m sayin cuz Bob’s fat.

Selling all his old radio tapes back to the content creators like a former executive producer should.

He's hinting that he knows SXM will be getting rid of more shows next year (and I don't mean Jim & Sam, probably low level shit like Covino & Rich.)

What puts Jim and Sam over Covino and Rich? I don’t like them but they actually do have an audience, one big enough and loyal enough that they have a convention every year. They get along with their fans and avoid bringing in guests that make everyone furious. Why would you assume they’re on a level below an intern and a third mic?

Jim has credits and the remnants of O&A's legacy on SXM. The other two are generic dudebros you can replace for cheaper and few would notice.

Yeah, Jim has awesome credits. Jim turns off old “legacy” listeners more than anyone else. Jim is better/more famous than Covino and Rich. But both of those guys are more famous than Sam. I avoid Covino and Rich at all costs but they might truly have a bigger audience than Jim and Sam - especially if you take out the hate listeners. Jim and Sam is not a popular show. It is the remnant of a popular show. Most of their natural audience has already turned on them, the sub is a good example of it.

I'm not a Jim and Sam fan, I think they both suck shit now. But they mean more to SXM than any other show on the channel. That's not a compliment.

What proof do you have Covino and Rich are bigger? I've had S/XM off and on since 2004 and I'd never heard of them until they went to Faction.

That's because you're not gay.

Said Jim was bigger than them. But do you need proof that they’re bigger than Sam? Never said they were world beaters, but they aren’t a full level below Jim and Sam. Their show (somehow) has been around forever and they have a big enough fan base to have a convention. Maybe only 4 people show up, but Jim and Sam aren’t famous on some unreachable stratosphere. Plus if we’re talking about shows SXM could/would cut to save money I’m certain Jim makes way more than Covino and Rich.

Maybe Sam and Jim are getting shit canned.

I don't see it unless the channel is making a major shift. They could make it cool guy radio with Covino & Rich and hire on John & Jeff but I feel like holding onto Opie would've made a more consistent theme.

Holding on to Opie is never a good idea. No matter which direction they want the channel to go.

What a christmas present that would be

As long as he takes Opie Hughes and Opie Roberts with him, I'm strangely okay with that. He gets legendary status if he gets Mary Jean with them

Vague Nagel strikes again.

Causing more aerial disasters.

More like a mass eating planned.

My God, is Gail Bennington and friends on the chopping block?

I hope not how can we live without Gail's interviews with female comedians.

Hey voice is sexy. She should do erotic ASMR.

he's probably getting some FM gig, but realized that was a really fucking stupid way of hinting at that

What a terrible Avi or profile pic for you rubes that aren’t on twitter.

He's just saying he's not planning on going back on air.


Erock, comment?

I despise Erock

"well, then come back here and shut up"


Could this be about J&S? Teeeheee

Probably going to upload shit from his Foundry backup which will make people miss O&A even more.. Just a guess and i'm fawkin zooted

Haha inebriation and confusing executive producers!

"I buried Opie."

Sounds like someone else we know.

it's more like he talks like a redditor. cryptic messages that try and make you seem intelligent. less words the more intelligent/witty u are

You love it.