The new jumanji movie was better than gay ass star wars

13  2017-12-23 by redtheftauto

It's cringey and breakfast clubby as fuck with Jack black yelling "yaaaaaaaas queeeen" in a girl voice but it was enjoyable for the most part even with it being terribly predictable and doing nothing special.

Star wars ate my ass

This has been "hot take movie reviews"


How was Robbin Williams? Haven't seen him in anything for a while.

He had some weird purple make-up on his face, but other than that he was alright

Can I see your ass?

I just want to be judged by the quality of my posts, not the quality of my ass

I didnt hear a no......

Pimples and all

No it wasn't you fucking queer.

"Take that chrome dome!"

Jumanji at least knows what it is.

Last Jedi had all this odd out place humor that felt like it was inserted to fill a joke quota

These just sound like 2 terrible movies.

That's the Marvel/Disney influence

I refuse to believe that anything with Jack Black in it other than Tropic Thunder is better than another movie.

That's fair.

Probabaly liked jumanji more since my expecations were incredibly low.

It was a good turn your brain off type of movie.

Tropic Thunder was shite.

Considering luke lets an alien cum in his mouth

I fuckin roared with laughter when that happened. The dirty looks I got in the theater were priceless

The red head in it wearing a skimpy outfit the whole time made it better by far

Disney's emasculated male version of Star Wars has still gotta be better than the shitshow that is that jumanji movie. One's a bad sequel and the jumanji movie is a complete raping of a classic movie.

u/redtheftauto, your life's a movie.

You may have meant u/redtheftauto, instead of U/redtheftauto,.

Remember, OP may have ninja-edited. I correct subreddit and user links with a capital R or U, which are usually unusable.


I didnt hear a no......

You may have meant u/redtheftauto, instead of U/redtheftauto,.

Remember, OP may have ninja-edited. I correct subreddit and user links with a capital R or U, which are usually unusable.
