I don't think these morons will even know this is a goof

69  2017-12-22 by hard_to_explain



He forgot “Burnin Emberz”

What was Steve C's bands name?

I can't remember... if only he was more upfront with the branding like on a website or something...

It was Foundry.

foundry why not lostwet

Ah yes, the “Joy Division” to Lyle Chipperson’s “New Order”

And the lesser known "Burnin Emberettez"

what's even worse about this is how thrown together the outfit is. like he didn't go to Hot Topic to get gloves, those look like bike gloves with cushions in them that he stole from his dad's garage

his chin strap isn't even done right

There's no way to do a chin strap right.

you would need more than four

You don't think a Jagermeister shirt is cool?

only when its prefaded

Na cuz. He was rocking so hard the finger tips blew off of his gloves.

What up!!! Three cool dudes looking for other cool dudes who wanna hang out in their party mansion. Nothing sexual. Fitness encouraged. If you’re fat, you should be able to find humor in the little things. Again, nothing sexual.

"....I have no problem with that!..."

Reminds me of my boy, Troy Quan, from back in the day.

Dude was down for whatever bro.

Looks like a gay porn recruiting ad.

No surprise that there's Ohio people here. I couldn't move away from that cold, miserable death hole fast enough. Maybe that's why I'm here, it reminds me of home.

Yeah? Where you at now? Some hot, happy life hole? tsss

I'll bring my triple bass pedal.

Should have made it more whiny and emo-centered. I know a few 30+ year-olds in Elyria that would hop right on that dick

Pic is from 4chan. He's like 50 and has all these emo/scene pics of himself.

What about lorain

I wish it were a joke

Again, nothing sexual.

Is that kevin owens?