What does 2018 have in store for us?

27  2017-12-22 by yummytreats123

Perhaps another botched 2U gig? Perhaps Jim will go back to Asgard and continue getting fucked up the pooper by Thor? Will Opie still be a jobless nothing? Will Artie live to see St. Patrick's Day? Will Anthony even give a shit? Will Kieth The Cop still be a faggoty hanger-on? Will Sam complete his transition into Opie 2.0?

Either way, we are all worthless faggots and will undoubtedly be tuning in.

Happy Holidays, you cunts. Hopefully, by next Christmas, we'll all have committed suicide.


The Chris Kuhn trial is going to be our modern day OJ Simpson saga.

Hopefully we can have a sub representative make it into the mainstream media as an expert pundit (maybe Saiyanz and Stinks?)

Stinks gets sworn in with a suit a tie, puts on his glasses and shows the jury imgur print outs "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, these are live links..."

More stuttering and nodding off mid sentence

I'm disturbingly excited for his trial

I really hope it gets coverage. We need to see him have an emotional breakdown.

When's the trial, I got a week free

Let's hope Samcro Joe has to testify .I am not a pedophile.

Chris Kuhn will be our modern day Aaron Hernandez

A certain someone will definitely remain not a pedophile. Like for real. He's not a pedophile. Since you asked.

I find that far fetched.

Will anyone be able to spell "Keith" correctly?

You got me. Time to drink a bleach milkshake.

Why would I ever commit the proper spelling of that faggot name to memory?

2018 will be the year Anthony finally settles down and marries a 13 year old.


Too old

Hopefully by next Christmas?

Things set to expire: Bobby's heart, ants liver, Artie's nose/entire being

Jims t cells

The apology clock when Opie inevitably grovels for his job back

Sam is nowhere near as bad as Opie because he’s not a whiny, passive aggressive cunt who blames everyone else in the world for his shortcomings as a human. He’ll just continue being a harmless, uninteresting hole who is into wrestling. Same he’s been for a decade. Op will never get hired for a gig in radio again. He’ll be a Wal-Mart greeter before he goes pro again. Or go “viral” with any of his retarded 10 second videos.

Opie Roberts is utter dogshit. Just because his radio hero is a bigger piece doesn't change this fact

Self-sabotage as per usual

Oh that one never goes away, I'm slowly clawing myself into my rightful place as status zilch

I'll be taking my act on the road ( TsS ) as Kuhn and the kuhnettes. It's a wonderful performance where we launch ourselves through windshields

After his stint in rehab Artie will decide to turn his life around and lose weight. Upon doing so the decades of drugs stored in his fat cells will release causing him to become mummified live on the AA show.

i before e, except after c, you fucking nincompoop.

I'm wishing for Sam marriage problems, Anthony money problems and an opie divorce.

Jimmy will come out as gay

My girlfriend is pregnant and I'm fairly sure it's mine. So there's that. Not gonna lie, I'm a little scared fam. On a positive note, I already own a Vizio

You may want to upgrade to a Sony soundbar in a few years.

There's a fat girl in the office who might give me a pity handy.

Antwan will be on the pedo list.

I find that far fetched.

Jims t cells