"There's the joke.. There's the angle..."

102  2017-12-22 by NortheastPhilly

--Guy who points things out and ruins them


Listen lambchop you don't understand the craft the man has. He would spend hours "crafting" the perfect tweets. You are just a hater. #OpieManiacs

Buncha knuckleheads



i was using my phone at first

Your fat fingers betray you.


"That would be the bit, wouldn't it? If there was some kind of reveal? That would be the bit, right?" - said 3000 times when watching cringe videos

Holy shit, the original Piscopo videos, Ant and Jim are being fucking hilarious and Opie just keeps going, "OK BUT WHAT IF KIMBURRLEE WAS A FAAWKIN ANIMAL OR SUMPTIN, WOULDNT THAT BE FUNNY"

He's too much of a fucking retard to understand subtle humor, if it doesn't have a fart or someone falling down or something "crazy", Titty doesn't get it

He hasn't even learned on like an animal level when to stop barking and let the meal tickets print themselves.

The worst is when CK was in during that story about the guy who bet weed at a poker table and listening to Opie's background shots at wordplay were UNBELIEVABLY bad.

Then Ant drops an easy one and Opie explodes with a "THERE IT IS!!!"

Fuck off you titted queer.

And then he dropped the Homer boo noise on Jimmy’s “he had a bad river card” joke.

You don’t boo an intentionally bad joke you fucking useless idiot.

Totally ruined the moment. Steer that ship, Opie. Steer it into an iceberg.

Thinking about that clip now makes me wonder if Jimmy only dropped that bomb to make fun of Opie's earlier terrible attempts at poker puns.

He was a very difficult man to work with.

Which is the exact type of line that Opie would throw it out with a milliseconds worth of full confidence.

Leave it alone fuck face

I didn’t say that, DICKHEAD!

I needed you that day.

Wow, you need to calm down.

"Slow it down, there's a good story here, got stretch out all the details!!! <asks dumb question with an obvious answer derailing the interview>"

Ugh there's nothing more annoying than when that idiot thinks he's a pace setter, that he knows how to really get into a story and really explore it. The average dope would just look past all the goodness that is being glossed over but not the Opster, he studies people and comedy. Fuck, I hate him .

PAUSE. There's a lot of levels to this.

He was just about to say that!

I liked when he passively took credit. "there it is! You saw where I was going with that"

I like when he actively took credit "That's what WE do tu-day!"

I didn't like any of that

Did you like when he'd say "that was a solid bounce pass"

Ah, you beat me to it.

Fawk, no no... You got it, it's yours...

We all had a joke there!

“See you wait long enough and we’ll get a bit out of it “ sniff

We know what we're FAWKING doing!

He always missed the fucking point of a joke or story and at the same time always liked to point out the obvious shit to people in the room like he's a fucking genius.

-- Guy who gets mad at a caller for pointing out the bit while also constantly pointing out the bit

There's an angle in his tits.

I hate how Opie stole Bobby's "take the hit" line and changed it to "I got hit!" It only makes sense in the context of somebody being a bitch about being targeted, you dumb slant-eyed cocksucker.


That's the bit!

LOUUUIE!! Bringing a new angle to this world's oldest.. thing...


"There's the line! We were all scrambling for that one. Vurrrrry good."


You better not be a cocktease.


His attempts to attach himself to the good joke like hes the pro to point it out for the comman man.

Opie is like a low level manager visiting the job site, sleves rolled up on the shirt and tie, hard hat on that fits a little big so he looks like an idiot. Pointing out everything on the site yet he could neither design or build any of it

I wanted to make a Ron Burgundy/Champion "Champ" Kind quote, but couldn't find it.

Did ya?

Yeah, couldn't find it for the life of me.

you have to stop

Ok, I'll do that this time.

Come on guys – you're making my Christmas very dark with all this down voting

Buncha knuckleheads


I needed you that day.