"There's too much weed with that guy" - Ron Bennington on Doug Benson, 2009

22  2017-12-22 by TonyFromLongIsland

Ol' Tex, always ahead of his time.


bitch please that fool can't hang

he just makes a big deal out of smoking

Doug Benson has a podcast called "Getting Doug with High". Lolololol

Get it?

The words are backwards because he's so potted up!!

Fawk yeah! Cuz he's zooted and shiznit!

Oh okay. I thought he was just a dumb cunt.

That show sounds like it was named by either a new stoner or someone who doesn’t understand weed. Weed doesn’t make you screw up words.

He misspelled "of him being a douchechillingly unfunny moe" as "weed". Use your spellcheck, Ronnie

He knew then and you did nothing!

The funny part is that Doug isn't even a good high. He just tramples over guests w nonsense about how he was a drama nerd and didn't smoke until after college. Kid with a new toy shit.

Was great to watch Joey Diaz smoke him under the table though, lil bitch couldn't keep up.