Robert Kelly Tonight Show stand up..... not bad Cheese Tits

118  2017-12-22 by footytang


"I have 30 summers left"

Perhaps less than that Mr. Kelly

He said , “4 and a half” wrong

How many morbidly obese people make it far into their 60s realistically ? He might be able to see his kids graduate from college and move out if hes lucky.

He can't say a lower number on the Jimmy Fallon show, half the audience would feint

Blob Belly

Scorch would DEFINITELY call him to the couch after this

Wow. Opens with the same joke about zipping up his jacket he's told over and over, tells another fat joke, then does a terrible impression. I'll never understand why this douche gets love from this sub. He should go back on tour with Dane Cook. Fits his style of hacky mediocrity.

The funniest joke Bobby ever played was attempting to play football on the Dane cook comedy tour and was horribly injured within 3 minutes of activity

Thank you, my feelings exactly. Fat riot cop, guy named Sean ordering pizza, so mediocre.

Ol blubber butt actually brought it tonight. Not gonna lie that “I’m gonna have hair forever” line gave me a good laugh.

You’re a simple guy

Ughhhhhh made it 30 seconds fuckin booooo

Congrats on the autism, faggot.

Awww your post sucked

I'll fuck your dad bro

This is where you say, "Oh yeah keep downvoting faggots!"

I agree Bobby sucks. Who ever told him he was funny?

Didn't murder but didn't bomb either. Dude might have a career in comedy.

[Light Laughter]

The Closed Caption guy is a Good Egg.

He was funnier here than any other stand up if his I've seen. Good for him

He did 80 minutes for one of our events and he fucking KILLED and the material was so blue my mother in law 'bout shit herself. Bobby is a very funny man and one of my favorite people in the world.

I saw his perform a few years ago and i thought he was way funnier on the radio than the set i heard. But this set was pretty good

have you watched his hour on netflix yet?

No should i

I don't even remember

The crowd liked it but it was terrible. I did laugh when he implied he had 30 years to live.

This was actually pretty good. Alot better than some of his other material I've seen.

Stand up is awful.

I think we're specially immune to it, since what we really liked from the show was the genuine wit and spontaneity that produced great lines and jokes. Stand up seems so contrived and shitty in comparison.

You are just a civilian

Agree. Especially on these shows where absolutely nothing is natural and so stiff. It's all been done better before

What was with the first part? "I don't have to you offer me five million dollars i would happily decline" it made no sense. Was it a bad edit. Overall well done Bawwwwby

"I don't care if you offer me five million..." He's saying he is so fat that he won't even attempt to zip up his jacket because he knows it won't

Yeah not sure how you could miss that.

I mean I didn't laugh but I wasn't totally annoyed

which is about the best you can hope for on these late night shows

Bet he looks like a trash bag filled with lotion when he's naked.

You could paint him gold and have him hold a stack of take out menus in Chinatown and no one would blink an eye.

bobby did so well that jimmy called him over to sit as the couch

"I'm doing a portrait right now called 'Tibetan Lesbian on couch'"

Try as I might, I can't not like Bob Kelly.

I love him, but i dont find him very funny. Atleast not when hes trying to be funny.

podcasting killed stand up. Natural conversation and back and forth is way superior medium to talking on a stage.

True enough though Ive noticed I still like it a lot in really small doses like these 5min late night sets, which are really tightly arranged and to the point


Yeah there's nothing special about him

I find most comedians to be like this.

Ya it took a few years but vos bobby and the gang all grew on me. Breuer is the only regular that comes to mind where I will switch off if he's on

bobs slimming down

This wasn't funny, but it was fun


I can't tell Bobby and Norton's voices apart

its like they're the same person or sumthin tsk tsk

Because he's trying to be like Norton

Hope he likes anal then

Good job Bawby

Crowd was super nice to him

Bobby is shaped like an egg

this makes me happy for some reason. at first I thought it was just a youtube greenscreen bit.

what is up with the dark red pants? is that an inside joke or something between them?

That awkward riot gear cop premise was an odd comedic choice. Why not just say it was himself and the audience would laugh twice as much.

"[light laughter]"

so even deaf people can know not every joke is a winner

So weird to see him perform clean at this point. Was fully expecting him to drop a dick sucking reference in.

You can tell through his comedy he came up with Dane Cook.

Yep. His dolphin story reminded me of dane cooks b&e joke.

Bobby talks about being fat more than black comedians talk about race.

That would have been a typically weak spot for a new comedian. For a guy like Bobby, that was borderline hack-awful.

There wasn't one genuine laugh in there.

A comedian who's been at it as long as Bobby has should have an incredibly tight 5 minutes. Instead, he blew almost half his time on a way too long, meandering, weak-premised "overweight riot cop" joke with no real payoff.

Or was it just a set-up to get to that stellar wife impression?

either way: boo!

TL;DR - Merry Christmas! :)

Duuuude, you got your mic, your Big and Tall leather jacket that you've outgrown, clogged arteries.

I probably would've laughed at this 10 years ago.

I thought he bawmed, but I still love him.

He looked really fat and stupid during his set.

His head looks like a zit on a nigger

His little chuckling after the punchline is really bothering me. But the jokes aint bad. Good job, Fat Bob.

Closed captions say, polite applause

You stink Blobby. Stop screaming you annoying Irish cunt.