Im getting circumsized tomorrow.

0  2017-12-22 by NortheastPhilly

Wish me luck!


Duuude, why?!

People have evolved, we can cure many things and we also learned that excess dick skin is holding us back. Only the Amish of the dick world want to live in the past with their smegma and windsock lookin junk.

By all means dude, hold on to the past but the rest of us are moving forward.

People have evolved

erm, I don't think you understand evolution. The only thing I'm holding-on to is my pecka!

Fair play tho' if it's what you wanna do, just the thought of havin it done as an adult makes me cringe. Hope all goes well, I wasn't judging.

I specifically requested no anasthesia, but Im gonna drink a bottle of gin beforehand

no anasthesia, but Im gonna drink a bottle of gin

I can't tell if you're serious as that's perfectly viable in my life. I don't wanna worry you, but you should take any/all anesthesia possible from what I've heard.

Good luck with that.







Save the skin. Makes good soup

Give it as a wedding ring.

ive been circumsized 3 times, but it keeps growing back.

Give the mohel a big wet kiss for me.


Don’t piss in Jim’s mouth

Why does Allah command it?

Do you circumcise your dog?

Do you circumcise your dog?

My friend did... but when you said dog, I assume you meant wife, & he's an arab.

When the mohel starts sucking you should cum in his mouth.

You and Sam can now trade war stories about phimosis and adult male circumcision.

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