The 1 redeeming thing about Opie is he hated pornstars on radio

7  2017-12-21 by FrankieBianchi

Even low IQ Opie knew no one cares about that (from grape fight video)


i think because he was jealous of all the attention they got and wanted to feel sexy

yeah he only had an issue with them because he got married, so he shouldn’t get credit for that one. his actual only good quality that I can think of was he would shut the fuck up when like more than one comic came in. hearing sam interject into actual funny conversations with his overdone college age irony will make you appreciate quiet opie.

Yup. Now let's go to the phones...



But not because he thought it was bad radio, he just didn't want to upset his wife.

Yeah when they played their Boston tapes in jocktober, he tried to tell Bill Burr well we had done way cooler shit before this in long Island. We were spanking naked girls on air.

This is incorrect. From my recollection he milked the naked female as much as he could until he got married.

The only thing he was good at was to be annoying and mean to people. When they tried to get beyond shock jockery and into funny talk, he was lost.

He only liked gay men porn actors.