Anthony and Rich Vos Are Better Than AA

60  2017-12-21 by Alvalanker

The 3 of them would be ideal for a show, but I've really enjoyed Rich filling in for Artie.


I like Vos, however, I miss Artie.

I miss Artie too.

I'm also a massive faggot.

I've only listened to AA this week and it's been pretty good, Vos is great. How disappointed will I be listening to older shows?

If you liked this week, you'll most likely enjoy the rest. I though last week with Aaron Berg as his co-host was especially good.

Aaron Berg was great last week.

I'd go so far as to say that he should replace Artie if he croaks or flakes.

Vos has nostalgia but Berg provides humor as coarse as Ant.

Nice try Aaron Berg. No one's buyin what you're sellin.

Who paid you to say this?

I thought you were kidding but that was a great episode. Beginning to end solid

Aaron Berg has repeatedly been the least funny comic on the several podcasts I listen to

Not just the least humorous, but obnoxious and stupid

In hot water is fucking garbage.

Geno is just a hair worse and lives in a housing project

episode 57, one of the funniest episodes I've heard. Anthony is shitfaced and hilarious.

Jug dones was really funny

Artie and Anthony would be great too if Artie could buck up for the strain of an 8-hour work week

That joel olsteen bit was one of the funniest things I've heard in years. Rich a&a are a great team

What episode was that?

First one with aa & rich. One of the earlier EPs

second aa ep.

I loved listening to Berg last week, he is definitely the more talented of the two Jews.

Why can't he have a rotating host gig, just pay people like Opie and they will be there on time. Fuck Artie Lange. Ile sub to your show Ant. Have Colin, bobby, vos, Jimmy and Dan soder all through the week, mix it in with Nick etc. I'm serious about this shit. Throw that bum out already, he wasn't that good and clearly just wanted his cash

If he did that and it was a hit, Opie could claim that he reinvented radio again

Hoo Hoo Carl! I invented Radio-pals!

just pay people like Opie

I was triggered initially when I read that the wrong way.

Holy fuck.

What about Joe Devito?

Did you really write "Ile" instead of "I'll"?

My android keyboard is awful, I'm happy it works half the time

Get SwiftKey nigga.

Vos is the best. The shows this week were hilarious. Like old o&a shows at times. Rich is never not funny

Listen to Wednesdays Jim and opie Jr show. Vos was not funny.

He was hilarious later that day on the aa show

It's almost as if it's the show and not him

At least ant responded to the criticism that he shouldn't be doing a solo show

Years after it was obvious

Ant is capable of taking light criticism, which is surprising given how he melts down when people tease his looks or personal proclivities.

anyone still uploading full shows anywhere?

The show was pfg this week

Sucks he didn't have any episodes for free

Sucks you can't spare $7 bucks a month.

Time for him to rebrand into a tech talk show with Rich and call it "The AV Club".

Retard thinks WASPs run the country and Jews are an oppressed minority.

A fucking ManGrate would be a better cohost than Artie.

The gay gay show

Taps nose

Artie sucks dick

artie lange was a complete non factor and not funny in the least.

please reconsider. have you heard his story about a jewish broad fighting dracula? or sprinkling coke on cheeseburgers?

many more like these

Why would you waste your soda?

Why don't we knock off early?

+1. I don't this this Artie is the same as the Howard era Artie.

He was great at interviews and being a dick - him interviewing Chris Hansen was hilarious

Ha ha ha Holeeee shit.

The Cumia ballwashers are out in full effect tonight.

Fucking dateless losers.

are you on a date?

Where are you, tough guy?

That joel olsteen bit was one of the funniest things I've heard in years. Rich a&a are a great team