I don't give a fuck what anyone says. Chip is fucking stupid.

1  2017-12-21 by NortheastPhilly

How is it funny to be ironically unfunny?

Opie has tits and I hate Christ killers.


hot take

yeah? yuh stoopid

original chip was ok new chip is fucking stupid if i didn't know it i would say opie was steering it

home run faggot

I’ve always thought Uncle Paul was his funniest. But it makes sense that Jim would put Chip front and center as he’s gotten less and less funny with age

I don't give a fuck what anyone says.

So I'm gonna post this, hoping for people to comment.

You know you're a silly-goose, right?

Alright guy thats too cool for the internet

Well then if you don't give a fuck what I say, why would I give a fuck about you?

Ever think about that Sport?

because Im fuckin gay

yea because a Vally Jim podacast would be way more entertaining...


yea because a Valley Jim podacast would be much better...

grody to the max

Its dumb and gay