Just a normal pizza joint gang

15  2017-12-21 by DoubleGunsSockCucka


on Jimmy's recommended list when you're in DC.

Looks like a place the kids will enjoy!

I'm played comet ping pong before you judgmental faggot.

you don't think it's normal to wear jock straps and dogtail butt plugs in a upjumped Chuckie Cheese? Homophobe.

Places with sexualised crying naked children art, & BDSM music acts make the best pizza, even politicians eat there. I don't see a problem. It's just sophisticated culture, I wouldn't expect you to understand.

Child fucking and pizza cum one cum all

use commas next time.

Yeah you can make it sound black.."Child, fucking and pizza, cum one cum all!"

That hilarious, especially since there was a black pizza place near me that did something like that.

But in this case, a semi-colon would work.

Yes, we all frequent the mde sub too.

Are people still buying into this pizzagate bullshit?

"Are people still buying into this Catholic priest molestation bullshit?"

Bit of a difference between Comet Pizza and the fucking Catholic church you fucking retard

One has been exposed and the other hasn't?

"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize"

"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize"

Are you 12

No, but I'd rather be 12 than a Deep State shill

Deep State shill 😂

You people are mentally ill

What, are you five?

Honestly the only explanation for him defending Comet Ping Pong so virulently is he was taken there as a child and now has a form Stockholm syndrome

Or maybe he's been there as an adult...

Why don't you go save all the kids from the basement? You'll be a hero!

So you admit there's a basement

I was being sarcastic you thick cunt

That was a meme for a while though

"Comet Ping Pong doesn't even have a basement Drumpftards!"

And then a picture comes out from a newspaper of the owner in the basement...


Wow you're so witty

Thanks, man. I was really feeling down on myself today, but this comment hit me right in the feels. Love U 😘

😇 😇 😇 😇

Nah, was completely normal for them to have a "boy-lovers" logo that they rebranded the moment this shit was exposed, a pizza shop owner that was branded one of the most powerful people in DC connected to a child trafficker, and had an instagram profile photo of a roman emperor known for his love of boys. All those instagram photos he deleted are completely innocent too.

Thanks, man. I was really feeling down on myself today, but this comment hit me right in the feels. Love U 😘