My shit day (literally and figuratively). Cheer me up.

0  2017-12-21 by Osama_Bin_Log_in

To make a long story short, before dawn this morn hit a dog on the highway in my NEW SUV on the way to work, thought it was smaller than it was (ended up the dog was 30+ lbs) so I tried to straddle it. 20 miles later down the road the radiator blows up and I check the front and the whole bumper is caved in. Happened in the middle of BFE, nothing around for miles. I open up a can of Starbucks, a bag of pretzel, heating blanket and pillow, and turn on J&S, and then put the seat on incline and just wait. Santa looking guy stopped but I said no ty. Suddenly I had to take a Massive shit. Considered emptying lunch bag and going in the back seat but decide not to sacrifice the snazzy Oracle bag. Open both passenger doors instead and went in between. The best dump of my life! Even took a pic of it. No toilet paper around though (later when I got home found that it was a completely clean expulsion!). Troopers came by later, and they called a tow truck. Awaiting estimate, hope engine isn't fucked. Dog ded. Going to the beach for two weeks over the holidays, hope they fix it by then.


Cheer me up

Here's a picture/gif of a cat, hopefully it'll cheer you up :).

I am a bot. use !unsubscribetosadcat for me to ignore you.

Fuck you, bot. I have PTSD now.

going to the beach for two weeks

John Everyman, ladies and gentlemen.

Didn't want to be with the family this holiday season so taking off to do some surf fishing.

And it's Jane Everyman tyvm.

wait.. where did you shit?

On the side of the road, between the two open doors.

you're an animal

From you, I will take that as a compliment :)

Hey look on the bright side, at least it wasn’t your dog! Haha that dog owner is gona feel so dumb when they find out!

Ty. Your comment (and the Xanax tabs I just slammed) is helping.

They're probably kicking themselves for it not being on a leash, as the law requires.

You killed some kids pet, acted like a crack head in your 'NEW SUV' before enjoying a beach themed Christmas...and you came here, of all places, to be cheered up?

Vainglorious cunt.

When you put it that way you make me sound so ... vapid.

I'll take it.

So does this mean you aren’t rooting for me to catch a big Cobia during my trip?

You troll for cobia not surf fish

In the winter they're inshore, often hanging around markers, near big bridges, and piers.

You used to be funny, in your own jejuney cunty way. What the fuck happened?

“so I tried to straddle it”

Yes, had the dog been a set of bowling pins, it would have certainly been a strike! Dead center in bumper.

i straddled over just hit deer in a beater ford tempo that got all over exhaust and converter,suspension it took over three years not notice a smell some times near it

Was it a small deer? It's amazing your front end could even clear it. I'm thinking of getting one of those bumper guards now. Living in the country sucks -- sometimes it's a deer. Or s dog, and even bears here.

Good news though, my deductible is only $100 and they will give me a rental up to $600 so I don't have to use my other vehicles while this one gets repaired.

Average doe maybe 75 pounds it was cracked open guts laying out still steaming it layed little flatter even with that don't know how it made it over.only problem have with bears is them shitting on porch,coyotes pissing on truck tires and people hitting porcupines.i've hit a few turkeys

I hope you fucking burn in hell dog killer!

Yeah, I’m more of a cat person, planned to burn in hell anyway actually.

I hope your SUV is totaled, I hope it rains every day you're at the beach, and I hope your plane crashes on the way home.

Happy holidays.

I hope so too! It’s a 2017 but would love the 2018 version.

As for rain, The fish don’t care one way or the other, dummy. They live in the water.

Alas, no plane ride for me thankfully, just a 5.5 hr ride to OBX.

Best wishes to you and yours as well.

You're proof that I will never get what I want for Christmas.

Enjoy your trip, cheerful faggot.

I ain't gonna read all that just now, but someone sold me some shit shit, I don't mean the shit, I just mean shit... I'm lazy sometimes & no-one else delivers shit, so I won't be buying more shit. I'm feeling shit. Hope that helps & I might read your shit later.

You sped away from the scene after hitting the dog?

I wouldn't say I speed away, no. Should I have stood in the middle of the highway at half-dark and held a vigil?