Anthony's greatest ever rant?

7  2017-12-21 by BlessedAreTheMeek88

Don't blame whitey, don't blame whitey!



Yep, bowling for behave is my personal fav. Going off on lady trucker when she commented on how he looked was a very close second

That one time he talked down to blacks

He actually did that several times.

That was a bit racial tbh and i don't go for that tbh

When he was blasting the SF Giants after they had lost the World Series again.

Occupy wallstreet rant, when he said 'eat my shit', was a personal fav.

Especially when he went off on Intern Matt who would go down to the Wall St protests.

Him against the 9/11 truthers on the walkover was pretty funny, and Ant actually read a lot about the subject. Of course Opie wanted to be involved so he yelled and made it awkward. Jim also kept repeating "baby boy"


It's funny that years later you realize how dumb ant was about this.

Like, there is no way that that third tower collapsed like that from just fire in such a short period of time.

(((I))) (((wonder))) (((what))) (((really))) (((happened)))

uh oh am i being redpilled??

If jews didn't exist then 9/11 wouldn't have happened.

Think about that for a minute, smart guy.

I guess not, seeing by the downvotes.

Seems pretty obvious when you look at at, but for people like Jim Norton, cognitive dissonance can be a bit hard to handle

I liked the rant about taking over the government and then taking over Venezuela and taking all their oil

none of you dumb fucks can post a link to this shit? ahhh pecka

"wheres my fucking gun?!" without a doubt.

Not a rant, but still.


Such a funny line, and Jimmy's reaction makes it even better.

Gregshells #1.

It isn’t so much of a rant but an opportunity to give the listeners something after suffering through two decades of pretend friendship.

I liked his rant the day after Obama was re-elected in 2012. He was talking about people just vote for their side or colour, no matter what, and capped it off with a "Jesse Jackson won his election.... FROM A MENTAL INSTITUTION!!!"

His delivery on that one is hilarious ...

Ant calling Uninformed as Tom from Connecticut with Bill Burr falling for it completely trampling over Derosa who was catching on.

Just listened to this yesterday. So funny. He got Bill pretty flustered. “Oh! I’m from fuckin’ Connecticut!!” Which is exactly what he gave Anthony shit about twice in their big race argument. “He’s capitulated the argument! Victory for Bill Burr!”

The Bill Burr/Ant friendship is really some of the best stuff because you knew their pov's really bothered each other at points but they took it in stride.


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Opie & Anthony: Jimmy and Ant Hate Music +3 - Not a rant, but still. "This life is so full of joy... FUCK YOU, AND YOUR JOYFUL LIFE"
Opie & Anthony : Anthony hates Mustard +2 - Homeless Mustard
Opie & Anthony :: 2012-11-07 (November 7 2012) +1 - His delivery on that one is hilarious ...

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The one about the women's march when he called into J&S.
"Get back in the fuckin' kitchen." Legendary.

Ant vs Ian Helprin part 1

That one that wasn't about Blacks or libs.

omg as a lib i feel the same way, its like..whatever..ya know? Blacks are just the same as white people if you disregard bone structure and stuff. That doesn't automatically mean that our brains are different what a fckin bigot ya know