What in the fuck is going on here?

37  2017-12-21 by crookedmile


The intentional dumbing down of America.

I'm not looking forward to white girls trying to talk like Tina from Do The Right Thing. "Ohhh Mookie"


I wish they stop parading this dressed up garbage around

That's not a nice thing to say about Jimmy Fallon

I don't mind that

Shit!! They're winning... the stupid people are winning!!!

*Won. They won.

whose this Rosie Perez sounding niggress and why should we care unless she's nude getting her holes ruthlessly assaulted?

Imagine saying your sisters name is Hennessey without any sense of irony

I thought she was playing a character at first

That is an actual person

Jimmy can barely hold back the booze he just consumed.

i want to rip her hair out and stomp her skull till it caves in.

I wanna cum in her mouth then hold it shut and choke the life out of her so that last thing anyone hears come out of her mouth are the gurgling sounds of semen.

nothing is grass roots. nothing.

Shes a stripper in her heart.

N person

Black Airhead.

A 50% match for Ant.

I'd say that Jimmy fallon was the unfunniest, worst personality to ever do late night TV.

But.... James corden

I'd rather watch Corden than Fallon. I'd rather kill myself than watch either of them, though.

It really is Sophie's faggot

Sophie's faggot is unfortunately a fantasy as women with faggot children were gassed immediately on arrival, there was never a choice.



You know what? Fine. Ant is right.

Don't worry. It's just the end of Western Civilization

She does that song Bodak Yellow and Motorsport but I know none of that rings a bell here so I'll just join in the fun.

Anyone else think she sounds and looks like Baby Bop from Barney?

She looks like the type of lady that would take a light ribbing with humility and grace.

She's actually self aware at least when it comes to the fact she's a ghetto stripper with fake tits. I can at least respect that. Unfortunately she's a woman and that's unforgivable.

Yes, I'm sure she'd be cordial if she was filmed at Times Square at 1 am

out of all them female rappers, she’s the last one who wouldn’t be able to take a joke. She’s actually pretty self deprecating.

that kimmel guy sure is a jerk

Just another stripper broad that the black community is pushing out onto the rest of the population. They could've stopped this idiot in the womb, but they all played into her thirst trap game so now we're stuck with her. Thanks a lot, black guys.

The (((hip hop Community))) is pushing out onto the rest of the population.

of course

Hip hop americans

Did any of you manage to watch the whole thing?

I got to her claiming that Bacardi is shutting down her Instagram, so maybe 25 seconds. Probably 10 of those was just silence though

They arent people!

Her tits -

http://twitter.com/TheBoobieClubII/status/933926807988039680 .

They're nice, but not sure if red bottom worthy.

Besides death threats this is the only necessary comment. Thanks.

Great tits.

Burn it, use the ashes in the garden.

Rosie Perez called; she wants her soul back.

jesus christ

Oh my God. That's unbearable for so many reasons

Who's the hotel maid?

They were less annoying when they spoke with the clicking noises.

She's "from the Bronx"? Do they not speak English there anymore?

jokes on you pal, english hasnt been the primary language in the bronx in 25 years...

claro que no papa

At first I thought it was a character and I liked it, but then the uncanny valley kicked in and Fallon just made it worse, I realized the Kardashians have been topped.

Cardi B? Who's her sister, Cardi O?

Tsss waddabout her granny, cardigran?

I don't know what I'm supposed to be looking for. It's two idiots who have nothing of value to say.

Conan would have made this interview funny and fun. Jimmy Fallon is such a passive aggressive little bitch

I don't have the strength of will to finish watching this. Perhaps ten more years of Chip Chipperson will strengthen my resolve.

She reminds me of Martina Martinez from it's always sunny

Ever since Soder said Fallon looks like he snorted rails of MDMA before the show I can't get that out of my head.