Ugh, Scorch's show has music.

2  2017-12-21 by Wolosocu

I usually get up early and since my normal early morning radio show (Elliot in the Morning in DC) is on vacation as of today, I figured maybe I would give Scorch a try tomorrow. I went and listened to recent shows and was sad to find out that he plays music on his show (probably because he has to and not that he necessarily wants to). This is highly disappointing.


Elliot in the morning is fucking garbage and you're a faggot for listening to it

Desperate times call for desperate measures. What other live show would you recommend for that time of day? An no, I'm not interested in listening to your mom getting railed by a person of color again.

Find a decent podcast and listen to that in the morning nigger

And my mother is goddamn saint

I prefer live radio. EITM is ok and scratches the itch. Kinda like what your mom does for all the gentlemen lined up outside her house.

Your mother should kill self for having a son with such poor taste. Maybe you could even join her

Whoa, pal! There's no need to be racist!

morning nigger

I love that podcast.

Pretty much all FM morning shows play music now unless they're political or an older show. They've claimed studies show shows with music get better ratings. Scorch's listeners need their Trapt and Seether on their commute.

You should listening to the Kane show on Hot 99.5!

This Scorchy fella is employed.Ha Ha ha ha ha ha.