Has any caller ever tried telling Worm and ape boy how much of a cunt mary jean is

22  2017-12-20 by pta11

I honestly believe people have tried calling and them being such gutless betas wont take their calls.These guys are so fuckin weak atleast the guys on other shows actually fuck her and use her like a cum bucket these 2 fags actually revere her and are genuinely interested in her life.When they were talking to her today vos was the only one who didnt give a fuck about her.I honestly hope shes at a party one day and Ray rice is there and she tries to get in his face


This is what happens when to low testosterone fags run a radio show

They bring in whores and actually listen to them, any man worth a shit doesn't have time for that nonsense, blow me before the fucking jacuzzi

Friend Zone radio


Jim runs the board. So good luck with that.

When Sam ran the board, he defended their UFC, WWE, and porn star guests by saying people didn't want Colin Quinn on all the time, and this show was different and listeners were free to move on.

Yes and have moved on. But Jim is so horrible at technology he spends more times looking at his phone, the call screen, and trying to even figure out how to turn on a microphone instead of just focusing on being funny.

If those sssssssssssssssscumbags at Apple didn't force people to use the cloud, none of this would happen. NOBODY WANTS THE CLOUD, APPLE.

+Sam: "Did someone say Apple? What about Eddie Cue? Did someone say Eddie Cue? Travis - did Eddie Cue say something about this? Eddie Cue. Eddie Cue."

Jim is so pathetic.He relly is a lonely suicidal man

If you try to suggest ways to improve the show by pointing out what doesn't work Jim will DM you, condescendingly call you sweetie, and tell you not to listen to the show if you don't like it.

I'll continue taking that advice before he even gives it. Fuck that show. I wouldn't listen to Opie Roberts pontificate on any subject if it was a choice between that and listening to a mountain cat screeching at max volume.

Didn't some caller attempt to do that a while ago and Jim's response was "what, you don't like pussy?" Since that's so cutting-edge in this post-1994 world of ours.

If you remember the reaction the old show got when they seriously interviewed that duke porn chick, you know that they will pretend anyone who doesnt want to hear "hot" girls talking is a homo

It was funny hearing Anthony's description. That was worth the price of SiriusXM this month.