I hate this egotistical star coon.

32  2017-12-20 by RBuddCumia


I call him Niggy stardust. He's a pompous cunt.

Star coon is better

This is what happens when every white guilt ridden faggot and whore in the country is constantly gushing over you.

Does that apply to Carl Sagan, Steven Hawking, Bill Nye, David Attenborough, Richard Dawkins etc?

Not every thing is about race.

Well, you know how these people act at times. And by these people I mean this sub.

Are you comparing Neil Tyson to Steven Hawking?

I agree not everything is about race, but you would have to be a complete moron to not see that Neil being black is a huge part of his appeal and is why he has been selected as the new science guy.

I don't dislike him at all, but that's the way it is.

I love how this guy considers himself Mr. Science now

The fame totally went to his head

saiyanZ's pops

I hate him too but he's 100% right on this issue.

If you believe in alien conspiracies you are literally a stupid fucking idiot.

Mathematically he's completely wrong. Since the universe is endless, there's endless possibilities for aliens to exist.

Sure but that says nothing about them flying around the jetstream.

I'm very willing to believe we'll find evidence of microbiotic life on other planets/moons in the next 20 years. I don't believe Marvin is hovering waiting for the big kaboom.

Always interesting to hear the Drake equation filtered through the brain of a truck driver.

I hate him too but he's 100% right on this issue.

makes sense

If you believe in alien conspiracies you are literally a stupid fucking idiot.

well now you're being a bit much

This nerdy know it all has bulgy eyes and i dislike it

Regular Joe Tyson sucks

Pluto is a planet you fucking Disco-looking negro.

It doesnt act like one. Acts more like a kuiper belt object.

His ego and self entitled niggatry creeps out more often than not.

A nigga is nigga aint no fuckin changin it!!!

He's been accused of date rape.

Space nigger

Moon Cricket

it's not controversial to endorse the position that aliens aren't circling our planet. how many real scientists have the time to step away from substantive research to comment on fucking martian sightings

Lunar Liverlips

Yes, but what do you call a black astronaut? No! Commander Cumia, you racists!

I watched an episode of "Star Talk", his show on NatGeo, thinking it was going to be about science and the universe. It was just him talking to a journalist about how conservatives are biased and make up their own statistics while the audience clapped and cheered. I'm not joking.

Scientists are clueless about people and society

A dinner invite from an alien would actually be a very difficult thing to procure, considering we aren't sure if intergalactic organisms have a nightly routine known as dinner, let alone randomly inviting a human to one out of the blue when, as superior beings, they would likely realize that that would cause panic.

So basically he just moved the goalposts to a nearly impossible extent in an effort to suggest that he cannot be convinced of the existence of aliens.

In other words, nigger.

In other words, nigger.

Go back to your faggy friend simulator on the other side of Reddit, virgin

How exactly didn't it work?

Look, another wild faggot appears!

How exactly didn't it work?

Sorry. He's right on this one.

It was a secret drone. Case closed

if anyone hasn’t kept up with the conspiracy, there is $21 trillion dollars missing. These UFO stories are the perfect cover for large sums of missing money, stolen, fake, or real.

he's a fat fame whore

Since when did Nick Dipaolo become an authority on cosmology?

“Coon...Nigger planet.”

Mmm-hmmm girlfriend! You damn right he isn't interested!

You're doing your fellow Columbia PhDs proud, Neil.

A friend of mine use to work at this hotel and NDT stayed for a bit for some PBS thing, and I guess NDT racked up the bill hard with a lot of hotel porn. Then bragged to the desk clerk that its all on PBS' dime when he checked out.

This was told to me when I vented on my FB that I couldn't stand the guy, which is still true.