Sam hate thread.

10  2017-12-20 by RBuddCumia

I'm listening to the J&S clip from today and I can't believe how much I hate Sam. I didn't mind the ass when he was doing stuff behind the scenes with the interns on the old show. But as far as hosting a show goes he's the opposite of entertaining. His constant unfunny sarcasm and nasally delivering is Opie level annoying.

I can't think of specific examples of his awfulness because he's just so uninteresting.


Hot take.

you don’t think this is an original opinion heheh?

you wouldn’t consider this a groundbreaking observation? ehehehehe

I didn’t think so! xD

Is this sub known for new topics every day?

Yea Sam was hilarious doing Jocktober and shitting on poor fuckin Scorch, but I definitely think he'd be a better 3rd wheel than a co pilot

He was never once hilarious, name a funny line he's said

Lmao now that you put me on the spot, there really isn't any specific one; I guess I was more referring to the way he would antagonize and tell funny stories about other people's drama. He hasn't really had a funny line, you're right. He just knows how to encourage other people to be funny

A great 3rd wheel. Wow he really is shit isn't he?

Not a great 3rd wheel, even.

Exactly, Sam can only provide commentary or snarky remarks about other people. He can't come up with anything of his own. I am glad you conceded the fact that Sam is awful and realized he's never contributed anything of note, and that you only liked him because you thought you should like him because of what he pretends to stand for

I guess I was more referring to the way he would antagonize and tell funny stories about other people's drama

He steered the ship of all the drama.

I'm still doubled over in laughter, holding my sides, from when Sam said "Middy Jin!!! Middy Jin!!" in that funny accent when Mary Jean called in!

hehehe, and don't even get me started on when he ranted about "fake Yeezys" while never explaining what they are because he wanted everyone to know how "in the know" he is about rap! So cool! hehehehe

I have a feeling you didn't really laugh at those things.

You mean the 4th mic that used to smell liquid ass for laughs doesn't translate well into a second mic?

Have I travelled back in time?


You didn't like when they tried to redo the Anthony hates the Sleeves song bit and Sam started singing along?

Please tell me you made this up. You have no idea how angry this made me.

Enjoy 1h 12m 15s in case you can't see the time stamp!

Sam needs to go back to the cave he crawled out of

This faggot half nigga sam has assumed the Opie roll in the conversations while the MEN are jokin!

The fact that he defended icp on not being a gang, more than Jim and Sam defended Louie, should say everything about him. He is an uninformed faggot who is ugly enough to pass as the mascot for the clown gang.

He has always been the little bitch running his little cockholster when big brother Opie was there to defend him. Other than that, he is absolute rubbish and anyone that listens to any show he's on is fucking retarded.