Rich Vos is a hard mother fucker, homes.

37  2017-12-20 by RBuddCumia


Who was it that once described Rich wearing a leather jacket, as looking like Master Splinter was auditioning for Grease?


The wit for that construction is so far beyond Greg’s ability

Pete fucking Rose called him a dried-up Ecuadorian soccer player. Line of the century

Greaslurs founder

I'll fuckin' cutchshyou, eshé!

Drive-by cuttingsh!

♪ Sssshhhummer lovin'...I'm covered in spiiiiiit ♪


he looks like a sad old man

Wow. Bonnie has to wake up next to this goblin.

She doesn't have to. She could always kill herself.

Just a doddering old fool

In a world where Negan sucks dick for crack...

is he trying to be the Fonz?

"Here'sh the thing Rick, Lucille ishn't happy, okay? I'm gonna need two of your friendsh to kill."


That’s where we put old people ☝🏻

No joke I think vos can kick some ass

Yeah, but it would be better if i knew where he was performing next.....

Where's his dumb fucking hat

radio Bad Boy rich vos

I've been playing a lot of GTA San Andreas and he really looks like one of the people I run over multiple times.

Old school man.

That's not a hard look, that's a deeply depressed look