Zac Amico on radio hosts putting porn whores on: "It's as fun to listen to as if we ate ice cream on air and told you how good it was."

272  2017-12-20 by bonniesretardsister

Zac rules.


Zac after the fight. "They're going to start dating and she'll have a show on GaS Digital soon."

Luis points out the Sherrod incident. Zac: "Wait, I like her now."

What’s the Sherrod incident?

...Is that Classic Shelb?

Luis brought him in when the real ass podcast was still ok stand up new york labs because he knew he was part of ron&fez but didn't know he got fired. He stayed there and started producing for Race Wars. He went back to sirius xm when opie brought in Race Wars then Opie got stripped of his channel and Race Wars got dumped. Now he's producing the now completly unlistenqble Race Wars.

He wasn't fired, that was just Luis' running joke for a while. He produces all of the Stand Up NY Labs podcasts now, although he doesn't put much into advertising for Race Wars these days.

Nobody has ever been fired from Ron's show, he just verbally abuses people until they decide to quit. Shelb took a tiny jab at O&A and it was all downhill from there.

Man I wonder why.

That’s answered nothing

It was debesso.

Actin like a cunt n' fuckin'


Luis: "She's a day job porn star. She's the Open Micer of porn stars."

Then what did he say?

Nothing because Jim Norton bum rushed the studio and started saying "I guess you don't like pussy" like he told that caller who complained about Mary Jean last month.

... Jim doesn't like pussy.

His manboyfriend confirms so.

yeah what a weird thing to say, how the fuck could either jim or sam ever call into question the masculinity of anyone else? jim pays men dressed like women to fuck him in the ass and piss on him, "oh i guess you don't like chicks, huh faggot?"

I wonder how weird it felt for Jim when the next morning his wigless friend rolled over, farted and in a deep voice told him to go order breakfast.

No Jim is the vagina master. He also likes chicks with titssss.

Jim was on rap?

Oh come on, if that caller didn't respond with "Well I like you," he should be held in contempt.

good egg

Oh shit Luis just fawkin buried that sockcuckah Mary Jean. "She has a receding hairline. I was hotter when I dressed up as Corrine Fisher that time."

Is this on real ass podcast?



It's live now.

On what? Louis' podcast?

Gas Digital streaming now faggot.

I'll listen to it when it comes out

Is it on the Real Ass Pod?

Yes. If you don't subscribe I think they put up the mp3 on Sunday.


It's been a thing since Howard made it popular decades ago, so apparently there's an audience out there for it somewhere.

It had some entertainment value in the days before we all had 24/7 access to all the free hardcore porn we could ever desire. Even now, I have no objection to having porn stars as guests per se. A porn star who happens to also be an intelligent person with some interesting behind-the-scenes gossip about the porn world would be welcome. It's just that most porn whores are complete morons with nothing of value to contribute beyond tits and ass (which you can't see on the radio anyway).

Apparently it used to be edgy and interesting but now it’s just hacky and boring.

But Jim didn't know because he said he never listened to Howard until earlier this year when he discovered his classic bits channel. You know, because he couldn't be influenced by Jackie, maaahn.

I hate that Jim doesn't want to be influenced by other comedians. Like if anything that would help his act.

He's so full of shit. He hangs out at the Comedy Cellar with some of the best comedians. What's he do plug his ears?

In the 70s, 80s, and like up through the mid 90s before the internet became ubiquitous and hardcore porn was easily available, there was a kind of thrill in hearing porn girls talk about nonsense. Now nobody gives a shit.

Before people had internet pornography, people enjoyed porn stars on the radio. But now days, nobody gives a fuck.

Yeah, they are just sad, pathetic inanimate objects.

Who gives a shit if they're sad

Oh, I didn't mean sad in a 'deserving of pity' way!

Oh, literal chomp³...

The difference is that when stern did it it was new and edgy plus he would always take the conversation interesting places and 1980s porn usually was filled with interesting people who had interesting jobs before porn. Ron Jeremy taught at an inner city school for instance

Luis is trashing Jim and Sam. "They love that Circus Animal, it's pathetic."

Awesome, someone needs to call their asses out on it.

Luis J Gomez, Real Ass Dude of the Week

the puerto rican rattlesnake vs. the jersey worm

The Chad Luis vs the Virgin Jim

Jim and Sam's response: What is he, gay?

Doesn't wanna listen to a woman talk about nothing with no visual or sexual payoff?

What a fag

I need my jirn Morton egg white updates tho

post the link fam

Calm down nigger. When over half of the comments on a thread are your own, it's fucking embarrassing for all of us.



No, it's like they're eating ice-cream on air, but blast the Kars-4-Kids commercial on a loop while they do it.

Run by a bunch of scheming Jews

BINGO: tax-scam. WTF was with the downvotes on this BTW? Ice cream's delicious...that porn-whore is a disgusting stinking flesh-bag. The OP's analogy implies she'S something desirable.

Remember Opie's bit where they ate the bacon ice cream on air?

He knew then, that he didn't need Ant anymore...

In fairness wasnt that when Jimmy made the realization after several weeks that the listeners may not get as excited about a food day as they did?

Also in fairness that’s when Trav I believe said some dumb shit about the ice cream and bacon to which Ant replied “WOW, you really put it all together huh?”

Which still makes me laugh

Way to fuck that classic line up.

Well excuse me why don’t you show us how it’s done

Nice shirt moron

FAWWWWWWK you got me

And Jim’s “Fuck your mother if you can find her” is one of the greatest lines in show history. Opie sucked but at least they did things on the old show and that gave Ant and Jim a shot at being funny.

That's a fair point


Opie also set up the bit of people eating bull testicles, but Opie didn't show up that day, so while a chef is cooking them, Ant, Jim, and everyone else is just joking about how hack it is.

Got a link for that?

It's in the Colin Quinn on O and A playlist

Remember the time they got upset at the guy that was opening the Mexican restaurant because they expected a big food spread but instead just got chips and salsa. Lol

Remember the time Opie threw cereal at people??

It’s fun to have porn stars on when they run out crying. That’s about it.

Like that time Patrice made that uppity pornstar run out of the room crying. Patrice was the best

99% of the time they make for terrible radio but sometimes you get a bit like the Artie vs Crystal Clear where they make fun of them like they should.

Nah even that sucks. They are just flat out radio poison

That was funny, because Artie walks into a different room, and pretends to call into the show with a really racist black guy voice, and the pornstar thinks it's her friend.

Is this Rob? Oh whatup Rob!

Carson's Ribs

I was so attracted to her. She was like a chick you'd pick up at the mall hanging around in Hot Topic.

It's not even like eating ice cream, it's like looking at it.


Hahaha. That's great

He's making a clever joke, but I'm quite sure eating delicious food was a standard feature of the Opie show.

Funny, because I remember on multiple occasions ice cream cake being had by the boys back in the day...

Just saying, this show always sucked. Take off the rose colored glasses already.

Why are you here then? We at least respect the show we once loved even if we beat the shit out of them. Except Opie. He can fuck right off.

even if we beat the shit out of them

What the fuck do you think I was just doing?

Being a dumb nigger.

Zac obviously never heard the epic saga of cronut talk on O&A. Oh wait, he's right

She's a very classy lady.
(for a half-nigger hooker)

It's quite possibly the one and only thing I agreed with Opie on.

And yet, Boiled Meat Barbecue.

I was barely hanging onto today's show anyway, then they go to "Mary Jean, on line 12."


It was debesso.