Luis J Gomez Almost fights Mary Jean

235  2017-12-20 by HugsMcbear


How could anyone not like luis? He's the fucking best

I hate that whole New York scene. None of those guys are funny and of those podcasts suck.

Fag found.

Soder is a funny dude. That blonde lacks any ability to be funny. She’s terrible.

At least she behaves herself.

Oh so that's where the incel faggots ended up.

Ooo if he says faggot we won't think he's a triggered limp wrist libcuck. They own your brain, rent free, faggot.

Way to use negro catchphrases, faggot lemming!

M'lady, I'm here to protect you from toxic masculinity. Suck a cock, triggered libcuck faggot.

Watch out fellas, we have an "intentionally" celibate alpha male in our midst! Let's laugh as he vents his displaced anger at being an unfuckable loser to strangers on the internet!

Are you doing a character?

Yes, 'guy who has never fucked and hates women for it'

"Guy who thinks calling women on their shit is only for beta virgins."
"You're not a sexhaver!" is such a chick insult. It's right up there with "you got a small dick!"

Who lives in your head rent free that "Drumpf" is in your username?

Congratulations, whore, you've ruined another Christmas.

god i hope she mouths off to the wrong dude and catches a beating.

aka "A Dominican Wedding"

"She Learned Options" - The Big Man, RIP

“Go fuck yourself you stupid fucking whore.” Brilliant in its simplicity.

The truth always is.

He didn't knock her out. I don't think he's being honest about being Puerto Rican.

He doesn't even carry a switchblade on him, he's a phony.

"God damn rich cunts." etc

Real Ass Phony.

Fidget switchblades, someone get on this.

He's only half PR.

haha Louis is great

She’s going to get fucking shot. I’ve never seen/heard any of her infamous tantrums like this but Good Lord, lady. Get a hold of yourself

This is nothing. I spent a few years living in Jamaica Queens amongst Negroid women and another few years in Corona Queens amongst dark-skinned Caribbean Latinas like Mary Jean, they're absolute animals and dangerous as fuck to be around. Saw these two Puerto Rican women, their children in tow, knifing eachother on a street corner over some Ukrainian dude who was banging both of them. Apparently they all lived in the same building, and were friends. A lot of white people don't understand just how hopeless non-whites are unless they've lived around them long enough.

Let's not forget that Luis also has a babymama which he dumped soon after she gave birth to his son, I think she's White too, she was on the los show a while back . He's as much of a dirty spic as she is,probably more since idk if she has kids.

I thought she left Luis, not the other way around.

She’s going to get fucking shot

That would be a great Christmas present for this sub.


Just cause he posts here,doesn't mean you have to suck his cock That hard.

Calm down

You're not my mom

You don't who your mom is.I might be

You forgot a word and now you look like a fool.

Fuck off, "whatwhatbutt". Go back to sucking Ant's dick on Twitter.

You post more about Anthony than I do.

You live on his Twitter with his other ass kissing losers. It's your whole life. Smother your whole face with that sweater, please.

Look, I’m sorry I unfollowed you on twitter. I wish I hadn’t, cuz now I can’t see any of your stuff, and it’s actually funny shit. That’s all my bad.

I don't have a Twitter account. Get over yourself. We already have one whore here and unlike you she's actually original and witty. Your services are not needed, fuggo.



Thanks for the tip

That a boy Lou, just for this I'm giving out Real Ass Podcast shirts for Christmas

I'm sure both of the people who know what that is will appreciate it.

His podcast is surprisingly good.

When in studio, when he is on the road doing into his cellphone not so much.

It's better than the multi-million dollar show with jim and sam. And I don't mean a little bit better, it is way better.

Completely agree.

So is jerking off with sandpaper

It drink pretty good!


This is just like every typical Dominican domestic abuse situation but there just happens to be a couple of cameras and several mediocre comedians around. I wish he would have cracked her skull open. What an ugly, trashy jizz bucket she is.

All that would've accomplished is to make her wet and in the mood for having kids. The last thing we need.

She needs to get punched in the face but not by Luis, it would just hospitalize her and she'd play victim. I think the blonde producer girl was sizing her up a little bit when she standing blocking mary's path. She's the kinda chick who low key played girls lacrosse for 4 years in college and might be able to deal with a fat street whore.

I wish that is what happened is what I am trying to say I guess.

I would jerk off to that cute jew bitch putting the boots to that gutter trash whore.

Jews and Lacrosse do not mix.

Or Jews and anything for that matter

Zyklon B?

tss why not C or D

you now have all the material necessary to connect the dots and realize the holocaust was a hoax.

The fact she kept her tits hidden for the fight really makes this

That's my favorite part. Her with that silly sign, and everyone making sure she doesn't drop it. You'd think she'd holster those things before engaging in fisticuffs.

Easily the most that the blonde hole has ever contributed to any podcast, haha she's probably thinking "I don't understand all this spic talk but we can't have nudity on the livestream!"

For a fucking whore she seems to get pretty bothered when called a fucking whore.

If you asked her if she sucks dicks for a living, she'd say something (in her mind) sassy like "yeah, bigger ones than yours." Oh, I see, you suck huge dicks for a living, my mistake your majesty. Women really only have 2 insults at their disposal when they get flustered. Dude is gay, or dude has a small dick. Often times they'll use both at once.

With women, it always comes down to genitals. This is why no self-respecting man can take them seriously after 3rd wave feminism exposed what everyone knew all along, but didn't wanna admit out of chivalry.

I wanna make this a meme

EDIT: Just did:

You really shouldn't of

i know you don't like it but someone will use it

Nobody will ever use this.

It actively hurts whatever cause it's trying to push.

Needs more words.

lol, imagine, if this thing takes off.

The photos funny, at least

Ugh you suck

Oh, I see, you suck huge dicks for a living, my mistake your majesty.

Oh man this fuckin' got me.

They really are a 1 trick pony.

Edit: their pussy.

What’s wrong with the ass and mouth cuz

I was wrong.

3 trick pony cuz

Whats this about fucking ponies

$200 an hour

Welcome to 4chan, Cuz.

Just imagine being a gay dude with a small dick though, it would cut deep.

/u/thomas_daly , comment?

I'm sorry you have a small dick

I think of all the really "progressive" causes, the one that pissed me off the most, is "prostitute" becoming "sex worker".

Like there's a reason prostitution is stigmatized. If you fuck for a living, for a long enough period of time, it will destroy you inside and make anyone with self-worth avoid you. It will make your family resent you. It will age you, you will lose friends, and the new friends you make to replace them will be just as fucked up as you.

To try to make something like that a symbol of empowerment, is equivalent to using dynamite to reinforce a building (THERMITE PAINT!)

What about Belle Knox, the Duke porn star who was so smart and sexy that she paid for college by getting paid to do something most people do for free?? Where she at now in wit da femlib and da corporate America?

Well on average they would be right more often than not. Lot of small dick faggots in the world.

Lotta Larry Kings in this thread. "But what about the small dicks?"

They're incredibly insecure. If you don't absolutely worship them, their insecurities go into overdrive and they have no idea how to handle it. My ex-girlfriend's sister was a porn star and she was the exact same way. I called her a whore once and she kicked out my windshield.

Any notable films of her online?

Oh yeah. She was a legit porn star, not just some girl who did a few scenes. You'd probably know her name.

Well, I probably know, but you definitely do, so hook a brotha up :)

Post the name, faggot.

Her first name is Alexis. Best I can do here.


Alexis Texas? The mudshark with the huge ass?

Alexis Texas? The mudshark with the huge ass?

Stop being a scared bitch, you little fag. SAY THE NAME.

Suzy Lightning?

can you imagine the drugs shes on?


No dude it's impossible to imagine painkillers and anti-anxiety meds

I always assumed she drank to much since she seems to be so surly.

Joe Matarese has nothing on this broad

Joe Matarese has nothing on me and I took half an Advil last night.

impossible to imagine

Not quite sir, I'm imagining that right now.

Oh yes, I fantasize about pills and coke a lot.


bet you come all over ur tight blue boxers & shiznit!

Fawk yeah! She's probably zooted on Viagra 'n shiznit!

This is you:

Oh hey look I'm a little straight edge queefy nerd that thinks im better than everyone else because no one invited me to parties in high school!

Oh hey look i have such low self esteem that the only thing that i have to feel proud of is the fact that i am sober and white!

Oh hey look i have no idea what i am talking about so i think that anyone on drugs automatically acts a fool meanwhile alcohol is responsible for 99 percent of dumbshit behavior, but still most people that drink or do something else are able to handle it and it doesnt affect their behavior or judgement negatively!

Keep that fucking head of yours SQUARELY in that box you put it in!! See how that fuckin ego treats you the rest of your life!

I don't even fucking do drugs and I hate the way alcohol makes me feel but I'm not a fucking irrationally prejudiced idiot like you. Keep paying for those prisons.. you know hitler put drug addicts into camps as well!! I bet you fucking love that dont you?

The camera in the room makes it like, totally different though.

It's like saying professional fighters act for a living. Sure, they may try to sell a fight, but at the end of the day they fight for a living, and pornstars fuck for a living (lol I think mary jean still has a day job btw), sign of an in demand porn star) Word it however you want, it means the same thing.

Pretty much all pornstars will fuck you if you pay them enough.

I love how he called her a whore, and she gets mad at him for calling her a whore... So she stands u but has to hole some big board up in front of herself because she in completely naked behind it


She IS a whore. She has been since she found out at the age of 12 she could get attention by fucking and thats why she hates other slutty women and men who dont want to fuck her

Imagine the terror of using your pussy and mouth to get everywhere in life and then one day men just stop accepting your advances. Like she can't even give her pussy away, she has to buy the guy dinner too.

"You wanna see my tits, papi?"

"... Nah."


Just a bunch of 35 year old men watching like they're seeing a bereaved mother at a funeral.

She's hardly fuckable now. I give her 5 years tops before the hood trash stops wanting her dinosaur egg titties.

I lived with two strippers for about half a decade. It was really sad watching how quickly their value drops off a cliff. One of them got into the business when she was 22, and she was routinely bringing home about $300 a day. When you consider the fact that she wasn't paying taxes on any of the money, this was like making $100K a year at the age of 22.

By the time she was 25 things had slowed down a bit, but she'd developed a steady clientele of regular customers. So she'd have some slow days where she'd come home with $100, but she'd also have days where one of her regulars would drop $300 in the space of an hour.

At 27, all of her regulars had given up on her. I think they were all trying to fuck her, and either they got what they wanted and they moved on, or they got sick of spending money and not getting sex. (I honestly couldn't figure out which.) At this point, she was 27 and she was bringing home about $40-$80 a day. Once in a blue moon she'd come home with $15-$20. These were some dark fucking times. It wasn't that she was broke; we lived in a complete piece-of-shit apartment and money was never a problem. It was just that her self esteem was getting absolutely hammered because she could see that every single day, men were less and less interested in her.

I have no idea what happened to her, last I heard she got pregnant with twins and had a debilitating coke habit. That was over ten years ago.

but she'd also have days where one of her regulars would drop $300 in the space of an hour.

I've been to my share of strip clubs and it can be fun if you're with some friends and it's a new or fun place. But it gets old and boring after like two hours.

I cannot for the life of me imagine going to the same place to see the same girl with the same body do the same thing on repeat. I obviously have better selection of establishments in NYC vs rural where the fuck Kansas, but I could not imagine spending a day's pay to see a pair of tits from 20 feet away.

It's the Princess Alena thing. The guys think that they're going to ride off into the sunset with some stripper. These girls fill a hole in a lonely man's life.

Like the thrill of being the ONE John who set her straight or "save" her from the lifestyle they gave most likely chosen because they like the money and attention?

For someone like Opie, Anthony, and Jim, these guys haven't had to get a girl on their own merits for well over 30 years. I think they just reach a point where they literally can't tell if someone is genuinely into them. That's why every one of them winds up with girls that know them from the radio show.

So they just go through life with blinders on, genuinely unaware of what actual human affection feels like.

Due to this, they're easily scammed. Bobo is scammed less often than Jim Norton.

yea theres no way if you saw this bitch at one of her strip club gigs, and offered her a grand or so to fuck afterwords she wouldnt do it

What a clusterfuck of a show. 40 people talking in a tiny room.

What a clusterfuck of a show. 40 people talking in a tiny room.

Are you more of 4-5 person room? Maybe a Vic Henley, a Sherrod, couple of Stangels... my guyzzzzz...


Spice it up! (what was their gayass saying?)

"Jizz it up!"

Jizz it up i think.

Leave it alone!

Yeah, and 2 of them off mic

So obnoxious

And the only two brown people in the room have to get in a fight with each other.

Really only 3 or 4 people are there to talk.

this is what nonwhites do

Soder and the Blonde Chick look so puzzled by this behavior.

tbf the blonde is jewish

rubs hands together "Yes, yes, just as we planned."

Laps forked tongue, consumes a baby, adjusts peyus

It is funny. Dan cracks a joke, not realizing (as Luis does) that there is real animosity possibly about to erupt in violence here, and that joke's not going to work. Dan also makes no effort to separate the two, which I would instinctively do. I don't know if he's not familiar with these types of situations, or if he's just being Corporate Dan.

If you would separate this you are an asshole.

Faggot is the word you’re looking for

Mary Jean is worthless, but I lost respect for Luis here. He was acting like an overly dramatic reality show faggot. But why is she naked in studio? By 1995, that was tired ass shit on Stern. Shit like this is why Bobby’s podcast sucks. That has to be the least entertaining fight between a naked girl and a fag ever recorded.

She goes on shows drunk and always takes her top off. Besides J&S because she doesn't have time to get drunk since she's always running late.

She sucks. She’s a shit guest, naked or clothed. Fucking back crap. Isn’t it wild we got a porn Star? Crazy, amrite?!?!? Tell Dennis Quaid to fuck off we got a porn Star here to bore the audience

I’d pay good money to watch him fucking slap the soul out of that boring cunt.

She doesn’t have one.

It would be great cause she's dark enough to keep throwing punches even after she catches a shiner. She would keep coming at him with a broken jaw until people pulled them apart, still yelling shit as her mouth hangs open like a cum crusted hammock.

No way. She's never been hit back. She'd cry when the first punch landed.
She has black girl aggression but white girl entitlement m

Black women have worse than white entitlement. That's why she felt comfortable enough to pull that shit she did. Black women have the entitlement where they not only think they can get away with punching a dude, but think they can actually beat them in a fight or everyone will let them win. Woldstar is full of videos that show this.

Lol bobby is great, closing out the show and plugging the guests while just ignoring the chaos


Real Ass Dude of the Week™



I know there is a lot of white hate on here but the Thin White Girl knew exactly what was going to happen.

Why would you capitalise those words?

Because it is kinda like Thin White Duke


God damn it, I fucking love Luis, fuck that whore!!!!

God damn it, I fucking love Luis, fuck that whore!!!!

who dis betch?

I hope she's the next bitch in porn to catch a tha aids. Tango with the rattle snake, you get bit!


he’s a real ass dude, he’s got a bad attitude

poor Nico

I hope he knocks her up and is stuck with that burden for 18+ years.

Living with his overbearing parents and in the same room as his brother sounds like a fucking dream all of the sudden.

I thought she was wearing a painting that depicts her favorite Ninja Turtle food. So let me get this straight, Mary Jeanatello was mad that Luis didn't want her battered and jizz covered tits in his face and then he refused a lap dance from the gross piglet? This is why she turned into a Dominican transvestite prostitute trying to aggressively sell her street art?

😭😭😭 he shoulda mushed her right thru the wall

the hot blonde chick and Mary Jean are different species

That's a semite.

Like he said, different species

I'm so sick of this sub drooling over that plain looking blonde chick. People went nuts when she was on the podacast.

Exactly. Chubby-faced nothing.
I'd fuck 4s but when it comes to worshipping some chick on the internet, a medium that has billions of pornographic pictures, why would you settle for worshipping some plain Jane?

Because in an abundance of 10s a plain Jane is more interesting, I'd assume.

Here's an abundance of plain janes too

By the very definition of "plain"

Tou fawkin che sock cuckah

Mary Jean isn't very good looking

Her being a black doesn't help much

But I thought black don't crack?

It does if you do crack

Which they all do.

Why do you have to say blacks aren't attractive just because Mary Jean isn't

What emotionally motivated that, deep down

I know

You fear the girl you like being attracted to blacks so you try to force an environment where that won't happen

Stop worrying, most white girls don't like black guys, okay? Just relax

Knock it off, spade

Because blacks aren't sexually attractive, it's a preference thing. Their genitalia looks like constipated shit or a wallet. Their faces look like apes. The skin is what makes them less repulsive,just look at Sam Roberts or any albino black and tell me they look better with white skin Do you find aboriginals attractive?

There are aesthetically pleasant and aesthetically subhuman people of every ethnicity, including white. Go to a lower class white area and survey the genetic stock you see

White guilt.

Keep telling yourself that, as you feel that nervous lump in your throat when the idea of the girl you like clicking on a video enters your head

Do the apolitical, upper middle class white girls who suck off rappers backstage do it out of "guilt" too

Stop being so emotionally invested in women that you have to deny reality to cope. Stop needing women's approval in order to feel secure, faggot

How old were you when you decided to worship blacks?

I don't care about niggers, I just don't feel physically or sexually threatened by black men

Ninja Turtle lookin mugg

shes awful

Who brought her as there yankee swap gift. The lap dance gift is already played out since LAST YEAR Luis brought a black tranny hooker to give a lap dance. Mary jean ruins everything!


Maybe luis can explain why she keeps ending up on comedy podcasts/ radio shows.

Is she popping up on more shows than just Jim and Sam? Why would anyone ever have her on any show? I'm guessing Jim is to blame for this.

You don't think she's funny, good natured and generally a pleasant person to have around?

Apparently he went off on the latest real ass podcast about it

Can someone explain how she ended up on YKWD? Does she just show up to shit and someone hands her a mic?

They each had to bring a gift and Bobby brought her in to give a lap dance to the random winner....she’s also a disgusting pig slob.

Oh ok. I like Bob but he's an idiot in this case.

Stupid Bob Kelly also talked over Luis and the whore arguing in this case.

Forgetting the pointless fight, this show remains through the years to be an unfollowable mess. They got 8 fucking people on camera, one isn't micced but talks and 33 other people in the background.

Only 3 o 4 people are there to speak tho.

Why has she wormed her way into all of these NY podcasts? She stinks.

Because jim Norton is a fucking faggot beyond repair

Her pimp got her in

There's a clamoring to have women, any women, involved so they can say "look, we have women on". Unfortunately there are only a handful of women "comics" in NY, so they dig a little deeper and get whores.

at least Mary Jean has some fuckable qualities about her, what do female comics bring to the table?

Shhhhh whites are talking.

"Fuckable" doesn't work for podcasts or radio.

Because the medium is oversaturated and an unpredictable mess like her provides drama.

Kind of like a wet cylinder for a pistol

She should stay in her lane. Fucken whore.

i dont understand why shows keep having her on. shes not hot, not funny, not enjoyable. she irritates the fuck out of me

stands up

"You know what? Go fuck yourself, you stupid fucking whore!"

Some times It’s easy when you speak from the heart

Modern day Shakespeare

Whores like her get so triggered when they get rejected and reminded that most men don't find them attractive.

She is awful on every conceivable level.

Luis is such a fucking gangster. I'm loving this guy. Not holding back and totally ready to fight this whore.

Eww shut up

You make a valid point but so does he

they need more people on camera

How come none of the shows can't get it fucking right. Ant and Jim need to do a show, List, Soder, Gomez and Bobby on YKWD that's it. This fat fuck fills the room with useless people and acts like some fucking comedy messiah in front of them while ruining the whole fucking thing. The missed potential is so frustrating, those 4 would have great shows and when/if someone's not able to do it at any given week, fill his seat with a comedian. Not 7 openers.

That was YKWD for a while, though. Then they got more successful (Dan) or just did more of their own podcasts (Luis). Bobby has said he wishes they all still did it regularly.

I'm not saying he hasn't fucked up the format since but...

I thought I'd never say this but I miss the times when Kelly was in town, List and Luis were fucking brutal with her at times, it was great. This new format just fucking blows.

Bobby has stated more than once that he wants a show with Soder, List, and Gomez full time. It's just that I think everyone is busy with their stuff now to do Bobby's show full time.

That's fair, but you can't deny he's fucked up the whole thing with filling the room with no ones.

For such a toughguy, he seems to only get in fights with girls.

Luis is awesome. He's the only one of these non-civilians who has any sort of balls. All these other jerkoffs talk a lot of shit, but always end up pussying out or shutting their mouths when it comes to a paycheck, but Luis does indeed, keep it real, and without being a tryhard either.

Absolutely terrifying how this bicth is way out of control but 1 day she will get smacked for her tough talk & act like a victim. Fuck her.

She's been beat, slapped, raped countless times. Bitches like her will never learn.

Daddy issues. She's learned how to push buttons.

Great job, Bobby. What a way to ruin something that could have been great.

Real ass dude of the week

I dunno about you guys, but it's nice to see everyone in the Christmas spirit.

Bobby was being an annoying hole

Seriously. Theres some great drama going down and he faggily talks over it and rushes to end the show like he’s on network television with a producer in his ear. It’s the internet you retard

Meanwhile, Bobby smiles and continues to broadcast.

When and why did it become popular to have video of people's face when they talk to eachother about irrelevant shit?

There's so many on youtube now doing this with their headphones on doing a radio show with a camera. WHY? Do an actual show instead if you have the equipment for it.

Because of moments like this

Also good for when they watch videos.

Ooo another mentally unstable porn star, how fun

She's a psychotic who should be shunned by everyone, including the smut industry.

Luis is the man.

Bobby and the other hispanic guy instigated that fight, knowing full well the animosity stewing. Apparently, no one else is capable of reading the room? Well, the other two sitting on the same camera enjoyed it.

All those people there and nobody plugged Vos in the middle of shit going down.

Dad bitch got daddy issues like the cumias

It seems less probable that joe cumia sr. repeatedly raped his ugly sons, though

Big let down. No one caved her head in.

Where can i watch the full ep

I love Joe List stepping back like a scared child while that woman Liz jumps in past him to break it up.

Look at his stupid mouth

I wonder who would win in a fight between Joe List and Sammy Branmuffins. I’d pay to see that.

Liz looks like a tough bitch

Pretty sure she's one of the people that has to toss drunks out of the Comedy Cellar so I don't doubt it.

Tell us to subscribe a couple more times. I don't think everyone got it.

I love Luis.

I think the undeniable pattern is that bad podcasts and radio shows make her angry, i.e. race wars w/Sherrod, ykwd w/47 open micers at once and of course j&s...

This is the best thing ever!

This classless low life whore does nothing but breed racism. The saddest part about Hoodrats like this is they never realize how they look to everyone else. If for a moment we were able to install humility in this piece of shit could you imagine the mountains of humiliation and embarrassment she would feel.

gomez is now my favorite dude of all time.

I daresay he's now the coolest figure in the entire tangential universe that began with OnA.

Cunts like this will antagonize, insult, & shove your forehead... begging for a fight. When you land a right cross to that gorilla mask & they hit the deck, all of a sudden you’re the asshole.

true story:

Have you ever been at a club and seen some dumb drunk girl who doesn't seem to be aware of the fact that the club is crowded as fuck? I was at this club that was packed to the gills, and the DJ played some stupid anthem and this girl in front of me goes CRAZY, like she'd just won the lottery or some shit. During her freak out, she'd bumped into me, which dumped my entire beer onto my shirt. I started to make a beeline for the bathroom, because I was covered in beer. Apparently, she thought I "pushed her" and proceeded to smash a pint glass into my face. If I hadn't turned my head at the last second, I'd be blind now.

So I am now covered in beer, and blood is literally pouring out of my face. It's hard to see, I just want to get the fuck out.

I get outside of the club, and one of the bouncers was nice enough to clean up my bloody mess. (I was in a bit of shock, I'd lost quite a lot of blood.)

The bouncer looks at me and says "you better get out of here."

I look at him incredulously; I'd been assaulted and I was certainly going to press charges. I could've been blinded!

I brushed off his warning and waited for the police to arrive.

As soon as the cops showed up, they handcuffed me. I was about this close to being thrown in jail when someone else from inside the club backed up my story, that I was the one that had been assaulted.

If it wasn't for that person, I wouldn't be surprised if I'd now have a criminal record... for getting sucker punched with a beerglass by a random drunk chick in a club.

TLDR: Pussy pass is A Thing.

Peterson and Camille Paglia had said that its the job of other women to stop crazy women. Because when they freak out for whatever reason (usually over nothing), men are powerless to do anything about it.

It WAS a woman that saved me from the cops.

Whose that annoying hole at the end saying “come on Bobby just end it. End it”

PoRnStArS aNd WoMeN ArE GoOd FoR RaDiO

Mary Jane is more of a man than lil Jimmy. End of story.

I like how Luis lifts his elbow and puts his hand on his head to do an MMA block like his defending a head kick

Did he used to box? That's something you have to learn before you automatically react like that usually.

I would say probably any MMA fan would do that just from watching it and imitating

He has a podcast with Michael Bisping so he thinks he's a fighter.

No one would do that. Think they're a fighter because they hang with them.

"Subscriiibe.... subscrIIIIBBE.... SUBSSCRIIIIIBE"

Gone to PornHub e only found 6 videos of her. What a star...

Ninja Turtle is right.

Bipolar nutcase

I cant stand adult film actors calling themselves "Porn stars" Imagine how vain it would sound if everyone in Hollywood went around staying they were a "Movie star".

I watch way too much porn and I had never heard of this bitch before the show. She is a part-time, off brand, C list adult film actress at best who cant even suck a dick well. No wonder Norton loves her

Jordan Peterson said it best when he observed how women are unable to deal with conflict, because they aren't psychically equipped to deal with the outcome. There are no stakes for women when they get into fights with other women and by stakes, he meant the threat of real physical violence between women.

Conflict between men IRL will almost always lead to physical violence, which can cause serious harm because men are much more physically intimidating. So men, in general, have to work on a way to de-escalate, with the incentive being that you're saving yourself from damage or death. Hence: Humor, jokes, "just breaking balls", not going "over the line" which is an established consensus (mother, family, penis, etc) that you don't disrespect and so on...

Women don't have an understanding of de-escalation, because they've never had a situation where their life was on the line over a conflict. So they either go for passive-aggression, talking behind your back (which are both pussy, cowardly moves), or what Mary Jean did here by just going in guns blazing over a nothing issue. That doesn't completely happen with (sober) men, because just doing that against a physically bigger person is just reckless and foolhardy, with an almost guaranteed high failure rate. Men at least size each other up first. Women just don't have those tools because they never had to learn to develop them. Hence why Mary Jean (and women) resorted to "small penis" "you're gay" type shit. That's also why when you treat them as equals, they dry up because they don't have the right stuff to deal with true conflict in life.

Anyone or anything that have to go to great lengths to painstakingly remind you that they're "strong and independent" are usually neither of those things.

Disclaimer though: Jordan Peterson appears semi regularly on the Joe Rogan podcast, sounds like Kermit with not even a quarter of the charisma and is Canadian w/ a heavy accent

I think Jordan Peterson would be 10X more popular if he wasn't a white male. I think that many discount his opinions simply because of it. Similar to how Amy Schumer can rip off other comedians jokes for fame and fortune, because the jokes are disarming coming from a woman.

I would love to see the exact same scenario, but with Dan Soder replacing Luis. Just to see the complete opposite reaction to it. Dan would probably panic and pull out his Macho Man impression to try and cool things down

Ok real talk. Can we track down who was the one who started bringing this bitch on podcasts? If it's Jim & Sam this is unforgivable.

I only ever heard of her on Sam’s night show before

He's got a night show? The fuck is that? And who is listening to that garbage.

He had one until poor blew up his show.

It was garbage.

Joe List's Irish goodbye at 1:58 is the most relatable thing I've seen in months.

Luis J should have planted her ass into the ground. Publicity would shoot through the roof. Its called "marketing".

Fat Blob Bob wouldn't know good radio if it bit him in the ass. Why on earth would you cut this show off? Let them fight, let them keep insulting each other.

rosie perez is sure mouthy...

She deserved a solid backhand. I'd be hesitant I'd get hep though if I caught her mouth with my knuckle. Do they make AIDS proof bitch slap gloves for fat hookers?

She sucks. She’s a shit guest, naked or clothed. Fucking back crap. Isn’t it wild we got a porn Star? Crazy, amrite?!?!? Tell Dennis Quaid to fuck off we got a porn Star here to bore the audience

tbf the blonde is jewish

"Jizz it up!"

Jizz it up i think.

It is funny. Dan cracks a joke, not realizing (as Luis does) that there is real animosity possibly about to erupt in violence here, and that joke's not going to work. Dan also makes no effort to separate the two, which I would instinctively do. I don't know if he's not familiar with these types of situations, or if he's just being Corporate Dan.

Oh yeah. She was a legit porn star, not just some girl who did a few scenes. You'd probably know her name.

It does if you do crack

Shhhhh whites are talking.

M'lady, I'm here to protect you from toxic masculinity. Suck a cock, triggered libcuck faggot.

Did he used to box? That's something you have to learn before you automatically react like that usually.

I thought I'd never say this but I miss the times when Kelly was in town, List and Luis were fucking brutal with her at times, it was great. This new format just fucking blows.

I only ever heard of her on Sam’s night show before

"Fuckable" doesn't work for podcasts or radio.

Leave it alone!

Zyklon B?