Anyone know how to ship stuff( fitness equipment) from NYC to Spain?...

1  2017-12-20 by WhippingHuskies

I'm back in NYC for the holidays, but decided I'm better off in Europe. Anyhow I have some fitness equipment, including a pull up station, a bench, and small squat rack with weights, I'd like to ship back to Spain. I just dunno how the process works on moving big packages about or have a rough estimate on the cost. Any advice would be great. Thank you in advance.


Take a bath with a toaster, faggot.

I only take showers.

Hopefully it's the same kind of shower that they had at Dachau next time.

Nice, comfy facilities with big Jew titties and warm water. Sign me up.

send me coke or you sir can go shit in a hat.

But I like my hats.

Can you even bring fitness equipment into the city?

waiting for the new it's a tough one.

Fitness dick in yo mouth

In your butt.

I know a great hat removal service.

Does it involve your sister's butt?

Play a "pop-up show".. it'll just leave it's own damn self

But I really like the equipment, I don't wanna scar it for life.

Buy it in Spain. Retard.

It's very expensive, man. Plus I already have the equipment here in storage, I don't wanna get ride of it.

Shipping costs are by weight. It might be cheaper to sell what you have here and buy new in Spain.

Fuck, ok. That's what I was afraid of.

Because shipping heavy stuff across oceans is cheap. Sell it second hand put money towards new stuff.

Now go for your siesta.

I'm in midtown, I'd get trampled by Asian tourists.

Look up "Sea Freight", and try to get an estimate. By sea should be the cheapest, but it's also the slowest, and it should still wind up costing close to a $1000+

There have been guys on weightlifting boards that have tried to import bumper plate sets, etc....., and the freight just kills the deal, unless you're buying tons for resale.

Play around here - .

Look up "Sea Freight", and try to get an estimate. By sea should be the cheapest, but it's also the slowest, and it should still wind up costing close to a $1000+

There have been guys on weightlifting boards that have tried to import bumper plate sets, etc....., and the freight just kills the deal, unless you're buying tons for resale.

Play around here - .

Thanks dude.

Just like drug smugglers up your ass

My butt stinks.

It shouldn't if you are white European Spanish

I am, but lentil soups are BBUUHHRATAL for your insides.


You probably have to get it on a ship and meet it in a port over there. I had to send large containers from the east coast to alaska and had a hard time even finding someone to do it, let alone a cost effective way. I wound up sending it to seattle via fedex and then a freight shipper received the boxes and took them up on a boat.

Goddamn it. Ok, thanks man. I know I was gonna get my ass kicked here, just not this bad.

Oh and take a look at DHL, I dont know how they are to europe but I know people who will only ship to canada with DHL. I dont exactly know why, just that the explicitly only use DHL to canada.

thanks brothaman, this lil detour threw a massive monkey wrench in my plans. I appreciate the help.

in your ass

Sell it.Take the money ,buy a tranny,get bareback ass fucked.In a couple of months, you won't need to exercise. That's the Jim Norton weight reduction plan ADIOS

Opie knows how to steer a ship...ask him.

Could you imagine him trying to answer this via twitter.

Put it up your ass

The cost of shipping it inter continental almost certainly dwarfs the cost of buying it new in spain. Like majorly. Its weights and shit, weight is the main factor in costing shipping, its also bulky. Just sell the shit 2nd hand in ny amd put the money towards new equipment in spain.

Also youre a cunt

Fuck, man. Ok thanks.

Its nice to be able to offer actual advice here. But that really is your best bet, unless you have some sort of sentimental attachment to it, like you were conceived on the bench press or something, there is no reason to ship it back. Shipping things internationally is expensive anyway, never mind that its actual weights, that probably weigh more than idk a wardrobe or whatever. Not to labour the point, but try and find a weights set being sold new online in spain and then get the site to calculate shipping it to ny and you will probably get an idea of the problem.

So yeah, get an ad up asap and shop around online for stuff from Spanish fitness stores

And again you're a cunt

thanks again,man. I am a cunt indeed.

sorry to bother you again. If I leave the weights here and break up the pull up station n squat rack disassembled to under 75lbs, you think it'll be too big a hit?

I know that shipping a box of bottles cost hundreds of euros, but that was with fed ex, depends how youre shipping them, but id give ups/etc and ask for a quote, but 75lbs is a lot still, plus its bulky. Id still say you are better off buying new. At 75lbs you are basically asking to ship a teenage girl, its a pretty big undertaking.

fuck. Thanks for heads up man.

I can tell you when I lived for a year on the island of Madeira, Portugal I used a small shipping container to transport my furniture. It was probably more expensive than what you're looking at, although they are in the same region. Ran 10k.

Yea man, I'm not gonna do it. I knew it was gonna be expensive, but this is waaaay too much. According to most people here I;m better off taking the loss and buying new equipment there. Thanks anyway friend.

Good luck, I feel ya, it's a lot of money (thankfully my company paid for it). Just got back from Spain, Portugal, and Morocco on vacation about four months ago and miss it terribly already.

yea I go back next week. I'm looking forward to it. Growing up in NYC, I didn't see myself living anywhere else, boy was I wrong. It seems like I don't belong anywhere.

May ask what part of Spain are you moving to? Loved Barcelona and Valencia ...

Why do you say you don't belong anywhere? Take the ferry from Spain down through Gibraltar, past the Canaries, to Madeira then tell me you don't belong there. It's heaven on Earth.

Coastal Galicia. It's lovely, and my ancestral homeland, but I feel like NYC is too much world for me, and Spain is too suffocating and I've been corrupted and compromised by too much sin in the rotten apple. But I'm better off there, and trying to start a new life.

fuck. Thanks for heads up man.