Ant, Vos, and DJ Denny are in today.

28  2017-12-20 by arobben

I know, no one listens to the show.


MC Falcone is the hiz-ouse

If someone gave a stream, I'd listen live... But since they don't I'll catch it later if it gets good reviews.

Just sign up for a free trial. Takes two minutes, lasts thirty days.

I did that a few times... guess I'm usually not that motivated by that show... but 100% respect to anyone who streams.

Skip the first hour or so. It picks up with TJ Miller and Sleeves Fa La La La La bits.

15 minutes in, and I already want to hit sam for repeatedly interrupting Vos with something that isn't funny and didn't need to be said.

Plus lots of Dolphin Laughs today.

I put my headphones down for a minute, and I could fucking hear that laugh two feet away.

We can always count on those where claim to hate the show so much to give us a second by second description

Sam annoyed Rich didn't know Fake Yeezys are called Feezys.

I have no clue what the fuck any of that is. Sam is a monstrous faggot.

Because vos should know about the latest sheep shearing shoes.


One of these interns/producers need to go to human resources and file a complaint against Sam for bullying and harassment. In this environment Sam's fate would be the same as his mentor.

I want this dude's life fucked up so fucking bad. Someone needs to fucking end this guy ASAP. He is worse than Gregg.

I'd rather have a Sgt. Hartman/Pyle ending with Sam and Shitloaf.

Arrrgh oi'd rather he had a Phil Hartman endin' arrrgh


Oh fuck off with the bullying shit you faggot.

Anthony please hurry up and save us from this morning zoo hack gift giving bit. They feel shame in doing this shit when he's in.


I was wrong. They're proudly recapping it and dolphin laughing.

It's astonishing that Sam lacks the self-awareness to realize that the only sound in the studio after he says something that he thinks is funny is his awful, Flipper-like cackle.

They just talked about Flipper for 5 minutes and missed the slam dunk joke.

Do you think it's a Greggshells thing?

It's as if they realize that if they highlight any of Sam's countless flaws, not only will they have to deal with his meltdown, but they'll also have to deal with Sam's mommy.

Yes. Look at how he couldn't wait to shit on Denny by trying to get Jim stirred up and angry when he skipped the Podacast taping, because Denny made a minor joke implying he was retarded for liking wrestling that much as an adult. They could destroy Sam every episode but don't. The least funny person in the world could tee off jokes on Sam. He's got a hundred things to mock: his face, his voice, his deformed dick, the wrestling geeking, his tattoos, the sneaker fetish, wearing flannel every day like he's in Pearl Jam in 1992, being an idiot, liking trash pop culture, skipping bonding with his newborn baby to go watch Undertaker wrestle, his newfound trendy male feminism.

wait wait what tattoos does sam have?

I know he has one of Rob zombie

And Jack Black!

It absolutely is a Greggshells. Even though he's not technically their boss like Opie was, they just transferred all the authority resentment onto Sam.

Once again, Opie Roberts. You should not be surprised

Rich deadpans "This is really wacky radio, man." God bless Rich.

Rich gave Sam a few shots for his hackiness

But, but OPIE!!! He was the problem. Now that he is gone these guys are amazing!! Especially when Ant and Jim make the same fucking comments about him. Opie is one of the worst humans alive and is gone. Ant and Jim should be doing an amazing show, right?


" Arrrgh one more question arrrgh "

Ok what's with the pirate schtick

He’s a dumb asshole.

That's the bit.

hes an attention seeking dick

Not quite sure why you're doing this but I love it.


Exactly. All these guys are old losers with nothing interesting to say. All they do is watch TV

He's not gone. His clone Sam is there to carry on his role of contributing nothing funny and annoying everyone in general.

Jesus Christ they're watching Gentle Ben and commenting on it.

Clint Howard is in that. And it's lead in is "The Andy Griffith Show".

This show sucks.

I'm scrolling down reading your slow decent into hating it through this thread and got to this comment and laughed.

It picked up with the TJ Miller jokes once Normand came in. Although Male Feminist Ally Sam had to inject some seriousness into it.

Normand is also the only one who openly makes fun of Schumer. He's a decent fellow.

Does he? He got mad at LoS for shitting on her earlier this year.

Bummer. He must be one of those, "it's OK if I do it because we're friends" people.

I'm becoming enraged imagining what it's like listening to it via reading his posts.

I want Sam's life ruined.

That's a murderer's row of guests

Too bad they're doing their worst bits. J&S with intern wackiness and Anthony talking about 60s television.

Damn. Let me guess. Columbo?

Gentle Ben, BJ & The Bear, Flipper, and some others.

Deep cuts. I'm actually impressed , no jaws, godfather, or smoky and the bandit?


Always annoyed me when comics refer to themselves as "killers", "he murdered/slayed" etc. You made a bunch of drunk people laugh at some dick jokes, shithead. You're not in Delta Force.

Yeah I was just quoting Ronny B.

All the comic slang is stupid. Bombed is dumb. Civilian is stupid. Talking about your process on how you came up with your dick joke is boring and pretentious.

And just a sidenote have you ever heard a comic not say that another comic "kills" on stage? I heard that said about joe derosa and joe matarese. These sissys are afraid of trashing someone that might become popular in the future

Whenever Vos & Bobby are in, they would take a moment to say that seriously about each other.

Like Vos would say: *"I can't follow Bobby. I can't.

Whenever he's on, he kills!"* Then Bobby would sincerely thank him.

My anus would pucker shut after that exchange.

Meanwhile, if this were true they would both be selling out arenas

Jim won't be working on their vacation. Guess he'll be going to see The Princess.

well he certainly won't be visiting his family

Like many on this sub has pointed out before: Jim is just waiting for his parents to die before he goes full out homo.

Yea if that's true then what's the deal?

Sam really is Opie. His only interactions with Denny are wise ass "you're so stupid" comments, just like Opie used to do with him. Not funny ball-busting, just fake incredulous laughs and wise ass comments, like he wants the room to go "You're right, Sam, what Denny just said is so off-the wall stupid!". Mean-spirited =/= funnny, you still have to be mean-spirited in a humorous way.


He legit hates Denny. The way he was stoking Jim to hate him when Den skipped on the Chip show was beyond pathetic. There's a clip out there of Sam talking about Denny "breaking character" and how happy Sam was to see Denny get angry. Sam went out of his way to repeat some office fight on air (about den asking to eat others' food) and get Denny to talk about it. He wants to humiliate and debase Denny because Denny is effortless, truly loved by the fans and the OnA guys, and actually fits in. Sam and Gregg also know that Denny is a conduit for the unsaid disdain that Jim and Ant felt for Opie... and now Sam. Denny is always edging close enough to say what they all feel, always on the brim of that joke with just a little too much truth and bite to it... They rightly view him as a threat and their anger against him is a response to this.

I was going to say "Sam stopped maturing at the age he was molested", but your description works, too. Shit, I hope we aren't being graded by our wordcount...

the decomposition of his cells only accelerated since then

I love J&S

So what. People loved Hitler.

They now drag Ant in around the holidays like the did with Lady Di, Bobo and the other freaks for Super Shows.

He's the Elephant Man.

That's a perfect description of Ant's position in life now.

I know. Give me gold.

Arrrgh ye doin' me bit? Arrrgh

I wish they would've done "SuperShow IV" with

Big A, Bocchetti, Bobo, Sandy Kane, Marion & Ant co-hosting.

It will be glorious ....

Shut up, cunts! It’s Wetbrain time!

Sam is a real fucking cunt. How nobody has cracked his skull yet amazes me.

"ugh, Denny is dumb he thought Mariah Carey was around in '84. Hey guys look how dumb he is! Does everyone like me yet? Denny didn't know when Mariah Carey was around. You guys know how dumb he is and I'm smart?"

This I'll listen to. Nice little Christmas gift for the fans.

Good show today

Vos has been filling in for Artie on the AA show all week.

" Arrrgh one more question arrrgh "