I'm watching that I Am Sam Kinison documentary

42  2017-12-20 by crookedmile

Goddamn, what an unfunny sack of shit. How he's held in such high regard I will never understand.


Yeah he's truly awful. One unfunny nite played over and over.

Apparently comedy heavyweights like Charlie Sheen, Ron Jeremy and Ted Nugent loved this bloated rebel and his edgy humor.

He's also the main inspiration to legendary comic Joe Rogan.

Charlie sheen showed his hiv pos, child porn viewing face?

not a fan.

As evidenced by Sam Kinison's work and that Dice clip someone posted the other day, you could make millions just getting on stage and queer bashing back then.

It was a better time.


He was more of a persona than anything else, it really covered up for his lack of material. He had some good stuff but probably became a legend due to being a larger than life character that decent comedians of today grew up watching.

"You ever burn money Maron?"

All he had to do to be a character was scream like a needy faggot. At least Dice put on a costume and came up with catchphrases.

Because he died young. He wasn't around long enough for people to realize that he's not as funny as people thought.

For the longest time, I had always assumed he OD'd. Nope! Forgot to put on his seatbelt is what killed him.

I bet Jay Leno has that seatbelt in his private car museum because he strikes me as a creepy collector that way.

He got hit by a drunk driver. He was a good boy, dindu nuffin cleaning up and going back to rehab. Seriously he did claim to be sober at the time and had coke in his system when he died.

and he's a big influence on Joe Rogan

It shows

Screaming punchlines does not make them funny

And Leslie Jones.

also all his work after Louder Than Hell and stuff like the Letterman appearance is absolute shit, like Netflix special bad.

Leader of the Banned had songs on it.

so grody

As others have pointed out in previous posts - time and place. Listen to lenny bruce. He's awful yet considered one of the greatest ever. The same shit will happen to all of your favorite comedians. Fast forward 20 yrs and you'll find people complaining about how awful and untalented they were

This. Lets see what people think about James Corden and Jim Jefferies in 2040...

Any body who opie holds in high regard is a fool and a no-talent

Brother wease Carl the jewish wet back Sam kinison That hicks guy

Opie said he was his idol in the 80s.

Carl the cook or the joke thief?

Shouting = Funny?

It was new.

I don’t get it either. He doesn’t actually tell jokes

Yeah he did.


He had some great moments regardless of his flaws. His appearance as the angry Vietnam Vet professor in "Back to School" was hilarious.

That appearance as well as him on the Rodney Dangerfield special was funny.

But most of his comedy is dated if you listen to it. It was funny at the time but it fades with time.

I love a lot of what Eddie Murphy did but when I relisten to his stuff now some of it is not as funny as I remembered.

god damn rodney dangerfield was funny though

He should be mentioned more than cranky Carlin.

Trench coat Kinison in was funny. After that, I agree with you.


He was great as Al's guardian angel on "Married with Children."

Shit on dice all you want, but his shit holds up today

Go see his show in Vegas. It sucks - And no, 'Little Miss Muffet' does not 'hold up'.

Did you know he was a Christian minister or something?? Did you know?? Did you know he was a priest? Ormugurd did you know he was a straight laced Christian before becoming a raunchy comedian??

Yeeeeuck. Who gives a shit. Loudmouthed idiot.

They were evangelicals. That’s where he learned to scream.

Kinison was OK until he adopted that stupid "rock star" persona, after that he was just a noisy sweaty screaming coke head who focused on being "edgy" rather than funny.

The fight with him and Bobcat on Stern was pretty good.