I noticed Ant went a tad quiet when Reddit was brought up...

48  2017-12-20 by Single_Action_Army

Bobby brought it up and Ant gave it a small chuckle, probably just wishing they'd move on. A place that is a slightly mean joke to Bobby is one that exposed Ant as a peckah sucka.
Good job you fat, autistic terrorists.


exposed Ant as a peckah sucka

I don't know... sounds a bit far-fetched.

More like far-stretched dvv dvv dvv


Ant would love his secret to be buried deeper than his peckah was in Sue.

This sub has no effect on his life.

And Joe Cumia is not a pedophile however he does appreciate the taste of warm childspit on the back of his throat

How do we know that he’s not? Has he ever stated as much?

Believe it or not, but he has. Repeatedly.

And unprompted, hopefully. That’s how you can be sure it’s true. But I wonder if he can enter contracts? I guess we’ll never know.

He can. He may be racist, but racists can enter contracts.

Good info, thank you. I would imagine a judge somewhere must have decreed so from her bench - and I accept her decision.

On national television no less.

I'm also lead to believe that they frequently laugh at us because of our jealousy towards them. If only we could become part of the inner circle at Anthony's card table to show them how worthy we are.

It's been a lifelong dream to fraternize with big a, the stuttering monster they used to do gross out gags with because of his bad hygiene.

I disagree.

Ant HATES us.

He has a great sense of humor about himself when a comic or a friend teases him, but he absolutely can't stand it when anyone else does it.

Remember how Pissed he got when that ron and fez intern Dana insulted him?

I think that's a false comparison because she really was a little cunt, even if her biggest crime to Ant was rejecting his old man advances.
Ant is most bothered by shit that's truthful and not in jest. People make fun of him for being a drunk and a racist and he's cool with that because while he drinks like a plant, his life is, relatively, on track. Also, most of his anti-black rhetoric is rooted in facts and he doesn't hate all blacks.

Shit like losing his license, breaking that mousy cunt's hand, and taking sweet tranny cock are serious flaws and there's no real good naturedly way to bash them.

That's why they only respond with generic insults about being in your mom's basement.

I'm sure you'll take it in stride when random people on the street call out every thing wrong with your looks, clothes whatever? Now take that and multiply it with few thousand. Of course he hates it, you'd hate it too.

It's a different context, suck cucka.

Nah I'd probably wear a new shirt and stop grooming 13 year olds on social media.

Especially if I was an alcoholic racist pedophile millionaire.

Dana insulted him

Accurately depicted how her and all women are revolted by him and Jim you mean? In the most polite way possible.


He's a drunk Italian/African that just wants to argue. I doubt he cares what people here say it's just his role to fight back and tell them to go fuck their mother, he avoids confrontation in real life so that side of him comes out to the extreme on ex -listeners/twitter commenters

This place is a singular entity. It lives in a digital cave but if it were materialized in flesh and blood it would be the size of gidzilla and ant is a screaming jap

Vurry good

We go deep with the Asian horror movies brothaman

Keep stroking your ego, this sub is still approaching critical mass for unwarranted self importance.

How'd you know my peckah was called "ego"?

Never forget: "We're the show now guys!"

project mayhem

timestamp please. Cannot listen to the show due to Sam having a mic.

thx nigga. This faggot recounting his twitter LOL.


this shit ruins old episodes more than fucking anything. It was Opie's one way of being relevant and participating in the show. Sam is the exact same but it's forceful "snarky" commentary.

It's really a group of online terrorists who use this site called imagerrr

That sounds far fetched.

Reddit made him cry a few times.

I truly wish this got brought up more.

What happened?

Reddit made him cry a few times.

And unprompted, hopefully. That’s how you can be sure it’s true. But I wonder if he can enter contracts? I guess we’ll never know.

On national television no less.