Chip is Dwight from the office

0  2017-12-19 by SirWallaceII

I just recently saw The Office for the first time, the American one (the British one is shit, sorry Jim)

After watching a few season it dawned on me that Chip is Dwight.

In an episode Dwight was lying about going to the dentist, and when confronted about it they asked him what the name of his dentist was and he said crentist.

Just seemed chippy to me.


This sub has passed you by

Ur a stern guy dude lol go suck ur pecker

Yeah, we don't do that here anymore. We understand how absurdly flawed the O&A show was and can recognize the genius of Stern, he basically created the radio genre that O&A capitalized on. Both Opie and Anthony DESPERATELY wanted to be Howard.

do ya?

what a complete faggot you are to sound like "hey man we don't do that now" if u had an ounce of nuance u would see I was being tongue-in-icheek. You really showed your true faggot colors when you tried to be like some sort of voice of a sub.

the British one is shit, sorry Jim

I'm an American and I can tell you, you should probably die

Ur faggot

I watched the UK office after watching the first five seasons of the US version many times, and it's not even close

You realise the first season or 2 is almost identical in terms of plot. You are a dumb fuckhead.

Yeah i know that. The performances are different, mean guy.

Well yeah...i just find it baffling that you can like the remake and not the original. Sorry I was mean.

I forgive u

This is a joke right?

Ur a fag dude

How much longer til this gets deleted by the poster?

Lol pecker sucker

Hey faggy fag, it's still up. Pecker licker

You are hereby banished

I don't think you belong here
