I'm THE mod who deletes threads. AMA.

10  2017-12-19 by 866-Ron-0-Fez



Will you come to Canada and have a fist fight to the death with me?



I'll delete you!

I don't know, you don't seem like enough of a pussy.

I'm not. Cross my heart.

It's just.....this is my only job and if you gays go elsewhere. Where does that leave me? 😐

Are you in training to referee a chutes and ladders tournament for retarded adults?

No. That would be helpful and also make me feel good about myself for helping out the retards.

Except the ones who live in wheelchairs, they're always sad.

I don't know, there was a kid in the retard classes at my high school in a wheelchair and he used to blow snot all over his face and laugh his ass off. He usually seemed like he was having a good time.

That's what true happiness looks like

How do you know what he got up to in her retard class?

I'm onto you snotface!

I'd see them all being walked single file down the hall like cattle everyday during my grade 9 music class screaming and pounding on their badass skate helmets.

A year later my buddy and I got kicked out of civics class right across the hall from the retards. One day they must have been watching Grease and you haven't lived until you've heard a congregation of retards singing Grease Lightning.

Right...........Ok AMA over.

Everyone get the fuck out.

Does your position feel like a cruel riddle? Like a garbage man servicing a city made entirely of trash?

You're a civilian, you wouldn't understand what it's like.

It's great, just so you know.

Can tomorrow be Cat Noise Wednesday? Maybe the gang will get back together meow.

I don't make the rules here. I just enforce them with a well lubricated iron fist.

Hamburger or pizza?

Really putting me on the spot here. I'm complicated.

You know what's complicated? Math. Failed it every year of high school. Summer school every summer. I'm a fuckin dummy just smart enough to be tortured by it.

Thankyou for all your question.

I and the rest of the well respected mods here just want you guys (and that girl) to know there's a Jewish civil war going on and until that's over shenanigans will not be tolerated.

Go fuck yourselves.

When my thread was deleted it didn't anger me, it just made me sad. Do you hurt me because you're hurting too?