I Just Had A Thread Asking Why The Mods Are Deleting Threads Deleted

32  2017-12-19 by smelter250



They deleted my post stepping forward and telling the world that they punched me in the throat during sex. I will not be silenced.

That's how history works. They tried to silence Jesus and Gandhi and Alex Jones.

Serious Response - I talked to one of the mods and I was informed it is split into 2 factions. One group thinks any and all posts should be allowed while the other group think ONLY O&A material is allowed.

The “only O&A” posts faction is winning due to seniority.

It’s so fucking dumb, we have upvoting and downvoting to regulate content, fuck mod deletion

I'm gonna guess that it's braunheiser and CCRed95 vs. the rest.

We need to have an r/opieandanthony2

TJ Miller fits the "only O&A" rule though because he is Unfunny & Beats Women. He has all the bases covered.

Which one of you mods is the faggot? Stop being a pussy hiding and just admit you're a fucking faggot.

yeah, what he said

I'm guessing it's one guy. His girlfriend broke up with him recently or he lost his job etc. He decided to exert a bit of "power" in the one place he could. Deleting innocuous posts on a sub-reddit of creeps trying to get their jollies over a dead radio show.

That or it's all of them. And they're all massive faggots. After all, who would volunteer to be a mod? A gigantic fucking queer, that's who.

The mods won't let me tease my ass to the people.

Mods are pro bodyshaming

Called ACLU?

Better hope they don't delete your thread that complains about them deleting your thread about complaining about deleting threads.

It's gonna turn into that shitty movie inception real quick.. Until I get banned and have that fuckin automoderator 'sockcucka' my new account



I made a post asking for reasons not to commit suicide and it was deleted :(

I posted a bunch of Mrs Chipperson nudes - with her permission - and the mods deleted them. 😢

And yet you still haven't done it.

If you people will make me a mod I will deliver a new golden age of faggotry the likes of which this subreddit hasn't seen since the halcyon days of cake stomp.

I hope the mods delete this gay post you faggot

This sounds to me like a mod trying to hide. I'm on to you u/smelter250 .

That's how history works. They tried to silence Jesus and Gandhi and Alex Jones.

Serious Response - I talked to one of the mods and I was informed it is split into 2 factions. One group thinks any and all posts should be allowed while the other group think ONLY O&A material is allowed.

The “only O&A” posts faction is winning due to seniority.

It’s so fucking dumb, we have upvoting and downvoting to regulate content, fuck mod deletion