Mods removed top post about TJ Miller. What is up with those fucking retards?

13  2017-12-19 by boring_oneliner


This'll end up getting deleted too.

Mods suck ethnic cock.

We have been compromised. We need to find the lefty and hang them.

It's less about gay political ideologies and more about the alleged pill addiction(s) of a certain moderator.

When he doesn't get them he gets antsy

I take it all back then.

Saying "he has a pill addiction" on this sub is like saying "he's listened to the Opie and Anthony show"

I got banned once for making similar allegations. Head swivel chop

Sir. I'll have you know my only vices in this world are Kratom and a warm bowl of lentil soup...

He shoved a beer bottle up some girl's ass and/or pussy. There's nothing these kikes can do to silence that.

I tried posting this twice to r/movies and it got removed both times
