Listen Up Dopes, Vic Henley's a Funny Guy

4  2017-12-19 by smelter250


Bashing Vic should be the least of people's concerns. He's boring but he means well. He didn't hurt the show, the other three did. Vic was just kinda there. The hate should be on Opie and Sherrod.

Almost everyone they ever had in is funny two or three times a year. Vic and Sherrod just aren't "everyday guest funny". Hell Vos or Bob Kelly would be annoying every day. Vic was funny a couple of times a year. And his disappearing act since Opie stopped paying him has been hilarious.

What no timestamp of the funny? Because I started watching, and there was not any funny.

But Vic is angry tho, didn't you see Opie and Carl laughing hysterically at everything he said. That's when it was funny. duh.

Yeah! Come on guys! You don't remember all of his hilarious bits from the OpieRadio show? Those guys were all laughing a mile a minute. And don't forget, his brother went to Auburn.

Nobody who drives a meat truck for a living is funny.

Least funniest? Cmon, moron.


Vic > Carl > Sherrod > Opie

This is like comparing diarrhea to a tar shit