Why do they call it a pop up show

79  2017-12-19 by bhp6

Because people close it as soon as it pops up on the screen.



Fawkin home run Chippah


I've heard the phrase before. What does pop up show mean?

It means he has no studio or job offers. So he sits in a mcdonalds

I've seen popup nights where amateurs will have a go at playing a song or two. It's like an open mic night I think. Opie is an open mic-er who has been in the business for nearly 3 decades.

So what your saying is that Opie is the radio equivalent of Joe Matarese?

Joe's still married so he's winning that contest

In the food world. They were trendy in NYC for a bit.

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pop-up_restaurant

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because stupid ass faggotry show was already taken?


Google The Sam Roberts wrestling podcast.

if i cared id buy that domain and link it to vos twitter feed just to show you up!

He probably thinks his show is high end, like how high end brands have pop up stores around Manhattan. The only thing that’s high about it is his delusion that his show is worth a damn

They don't, only that idiot does

THEEEERE'S the joke.

ME: Leave it alone!

Line of the day.

ME: The shows passed you by.

He would miss the apostrophe.

Why did I read this in Gilbert's voice?

Because every time you watch you're hoping one of those spring-loaded land mines pops up and takes them out

That's what WE do!

Because he’s an insufferable faggot.

I wish you would pop in a Cartel execution video.

Because guests only pop up whenever the $750 checks clear.

When is a door not a door

When it's youroffice

Opie knows he's not talented enough to start a podacast. Yet he's been doing radio since he was 18.


Because only stupid children would enjoy it.

Sounds like you need to add the Tit Block Pro® extension on your favorite browser, buddy.

u mean why does tits call it a pop up show? cuz he’s an unoriginal flabby old lesbian who takes what he hears and claims as his own. he can’t even tell you what it means

The local restaurant managers love the direction of the show
