Key difference between the way Opie and Anthony used to treat fans

78  2017-12-19 by brothermanbrotherman

When using Instant Feedback, Opie would only read names if it was their friend. Every single line I ever sent to Anthony on PalTalk, he read on air and read my name to give me credit. Any line I sent to Opie would just be muttered so he got the laugh, also Opie would often mispronounce easy words and totally ruin the delivery of your line


ok terrific

You've been a faggot for a long time now, huh?

ME: I was sucking cock when most of you were learning subtraction.

ME: When I'm done sucking cock I'll just move on to something else. Leave it alone.



What's to brag about? My jokes were awful and it was at the time where they were so lazy they would just read bad jokes off a screen

Are we talking about the same guy? I don't know if I believe you sir. Gregg Hughes has always been excellent at reading aloud and his comedic timing is nothing short of immaculate. Could you possibly provide some sort of proof for us that Opie is blithering idiot to ease any doubts?

I herd he was quite good at mathematics as well.

If only he wasn't too pretty for it, he'd have been perfect for the "Tonight Show" gig during his offseason from the NBA.

Lines please, we all know you have screencaps

screencaps of a radio show? This was as far back as 2009 before there anyone would care or even think to do that.

Who were you?


I didnt mean to make it sound like this was about me getting jokes on. It only happened 3 or 4 times, but Ant always said one of my screen names. Opie never did.

I can't tell if Opie thinks it is funny to mispronounce words or if he is just retarded. It is not funny.

If he ever shticks up the pronunciation it's because he really doesn't know how to pronounce it and wants plausible deniability if someone corrects him.

"That's the bit you dope!"


Anthony has a basic level of human decency, and Opie is a clinically anti-social twat? We're breaking new ground here.


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Ha! Anthony tells all his fans to enjoy obscurity!

Anthony bites girls hands

trick question, Opie has no fans

Arrrgh no but 'e does 'ave the lovely breasts of Bessy and is a man ha ha harrrgh

"hey guys look at me I wrote some of those funny lines you heard on the radio!"

They weren't funny

I never bothered with Instant Feedback. PalTalk was a way to listen to the show live for free on days I was up that early. Ant gave me credit when he read any of my lines, which only happened a few times, but none of the ones he picked were anything I was very proud of. I would take whatever they were talking about it and tie it to something they joked about regularly on the show so Ant would read it and give me credit. Never great. He usually only went to PalTalk for a line when they were kinda floundering and needed something, unlike Opie who would go to Instant Feedback while the guys in the studio were on a roll just so he could have something to add.

The thing with Opie is that he always tried to keep the listeners involved with the show.

To the detriment of the show. There was never any need for a trucker's opinion, yet everyday, back he went to that goddamn phone.

But they wanted in bad

The phones were lit tbh


You a trucker?

Paltalk almost caused him many accidents.

No I was a teenager

Sayyyy hiss again, say HISS....again. I dare YOU, I dou-ble dare you mother-effer say...hiss one more time

I call bullshit. Opie quoted me multiple times in instant feedback and credited me every time. I am not his friend.

I'm sure your input made the show better if Opie was reading your lines.


The worst thing Opie’s ever done to me was make boring radio. I met him in person in 2012 and he was very cool to us.

You and your husband?

yeah, cocks

From reading the responses, i feel confortable assessing the situation by stating that nobody cares, sir.

Did ya have tu fawkin pile on? I really needed you that day

Ravings of a douchebag

Ya mother

Opie would often mispronounce easy words and totally ruin the delivery of your line

There go all the jokes about blueberries and fugitives.

Gregg 'Opie' Hughes sexually assaulted me back at Geneseo. Him and Jim Chandler held me down and took turns raping me. With the current climate, I now feel that I can finally come forward with my story.

It makes me happy that Dan from Hoboken turned against Opie.

ME: When I'm done sucking cock I'll just move on to something else. Leave it alone.