Reminder: A man who looks like this insists on doing a show where he is on camera

34  2017-12-19 by NinetyFaaahve


This is actually quite a flattering photo for Anthony. Most of the divots in his face have been at least partially filled in by some makeup artist over at Fox News before he went on camera there. On his show it's him in all of his alcoholic glory. Anthony's hair piece looks like it has extra afro sheen in it for this particular appearance. The color and the hair itself are both what I like to call "artificial."

Ant is one of my favorite people.

This comment has no value or context. It isn't smart, funny, entertaining or educational. It's just a fag talking about his feelings. Yuck.

Then you should be chemically castrated.


Fuck that ugly faggot

Grown up Malcolm in the Middle after suffering an acid attack, stupid button up over t-shirt look.

Mars Attacks!

Post your pics bitch

I honestly cant tell if this one is photoshopped. Ant is one claymation looking motherfucker.

He looks like Wallace from Wallace and Gromit.

Nice to see he styled his hair with Danny Go Lightly's sweat.

I just heard the other clip where Ant was saying that 0pie should not mug the camera and speak and engage directly to his guests.

He should take his own advice.

He looks like a Portuguese Bruce Campbell