Man versus Woman

5  2017-12-19 by Lilcumia


Realistically it's a 50/50 fight and if he wins it'll be the greatest thing ever.

The trouble is, if he loses, we'll be hearing how this is proof positive that women can easily beat up any man.

I saw a fat chick absolutely annihilate a little skinny guy once. He was flailing around fighting for his life too.

"Ronda Rousey would beat Floyd Mayweather" - Joe Rogan

Rogan really fucked up with his RR fan girling. Lost a lot of fans/credit during the Bethe fight till the Holm KO.

Joe Rogan never said that

I'm afraid he did.

No link?

He never said it. This proves my point

Yep he never said it, at least in that clip...

In MMA, she would have. Floyd has no fucking clue how to defend a takedown or stop a judo throw.

no she wouldn't have. Amanda Nunes delivered the most brutal, one-sided beatdown to RR, who didn't even get a chance to clinch up. Floyd would demolish her face before she could even get a chance to tie him up, and he's an actual world class athlete, not some poor schlub on a bar stool in Madison, Wisconsin, so if you think she'd just rag doll him around, you're sadly mistaken.

Nunes is also an experienced grappler. Which Floyd isn't.

It never got to the point of a grappling effort, let alone, exchange. Nunes drilled RR right off the bat with a monster 1-2, stunning her, and she made an aborted effort to clinch but Nunes just kept her distance and destroyed her in seconds. Getting someone who is decently fit to the ground isn't easy for anyone, including a decorated grappler.

They clinched multiple times and Amanda defend well, which allowed her to keep the fight standing. Holm did the same thing. Also, Nunes came out extremely aggressively, which Floyd is not even known for doing in boxing.

There was nothing to defend. Ronda was grabbing wildly and getting her face smashed. And a boxing match is not an MMA fight. Floyd wouldn't be fighting for points against the best athletes on the planet, he'd be swinging for the jaw full hilt. You're absolutely insane if you think RR, or any other femalecould withstand a few flurries from a pro boxer, let alone quite possibly the greatest counter striker in the history of the sport, and not get KO'ed or have the presence of mind to keep their composure.

What in the fuck makes you think Floyd would reverse decades of training and swing for the fences in a fight when doing so could easily have him put on his back and subbed?

There's a difference from swinging wildly to swinging hard. Floyd was a point fighter who tired his opponent and finished him later like he did Conor. It's called economy of fighting/movement. If RR couldn't withstand a Nunes flurry, what makes you think for one second she could withstand power shots from the greatest boxer of his generation, especially when you consider RR has zero head movement and sole "move" is a bull charge to hip throw to arm bar.

And as bad as Edmond is, he probably would have trained Ronda to come out straight for a double leg. Which she would get on a guy with no grappling experience. Or as soon as she closed the distance transition into a clinch position where she could work a throw.

Why didn't Ronda try a double leg against Nunes then, if it were so simple? She got blasted and was out on her feet after the first exchange, that's why. Plus RR doesn't shoot for legs, her signature move, she used ad nauseum until she "KO'ed" an accountant who started doing MMA a few years ago to lose weight, was a classic hip toss. Keep in mind, RR was fighting amateurs and women who weren't yet refined in the sport minus Mischa, until she met Holly, and then Amanda retired her. You're insane if you think Floyd wouldn't knock her block off or be able to deflect her clinch.

Dude he's a transfeminist. He doesn't believe in reality. You clearly do.

Oh, I forgot for a second.

You actually believe this don't you?

Yes. Watch early MMA to see how striker vs grappler goes.

I prefer to watch reality. See reality says men and women are physically very different. You're a tranny or something so you can't understand that. People don't think sexual dimorphism be like it is. But it do.

You don't understand combat sports is all.

I don't need to. I understand biology. :)

I understand combat sports, and you’re an idiot.

If Holly could defend her shitty judo takedowns, I'm sure Floyd fucking Mayweather also could.

He doesn’t need to defend it, he can just push her off with his vastly superior strength and pound her face in. Assuming she ever got close enough to him to do anything in the first place.

If he has some wrestling experience, and can avoid the takedown, he has a fairly good chance, assuming he has the lungs to get out of 5 minutes of fighting. If she locks up, what she definitely will, he has to get her in a thai clinch and throws knees into her, and throw elbows into her face. Either way, this should be quite the spectacle.

germaine de randamie knocked a guy out.

She's one of the best strikers in the history of female combat sport, and roided out of her mind.

I was just pointing out that this has already been done. Also, what evidence is there that GDR is roided?

Almost everyone in combat sports is using. It's an open secret. Her camp, and the Dutch altogether are notorious juicers. Just on looks alone, if you can't tell she's using something you don't understand sports/athletics. She also just recently pissed hot, which is why she is no longer champ.

She's no longer champ because she didn't want to fight Cyborg because of Cris' past steroid use. You can't say I don't understand sports or athletics when you don't even know what you're talking about.

And you believe her? She was pissing hot and didn't wanna get caught, knowing it would be the only way she was gonna get past cyborg. Happens all the time. Aldo was notorious for it. GDR has long been rumored to be on PEDS, one lookat her jaw should all but confirm it. Lemme guess you thought Lance was clean and a hero too right? Or that Sosa, Mag, and Bonds race was all great timing to save baseball? Get real.

No. I think you're making shit up and genuinely have no idea what you're talking about. I don't believe anyone is clean, but that doesn't mean they're juicing to the gills. The point about her jaw is just fucking stupid.

Ok, I stand corrected. It's perfectly fine for women to develop square jaws with just a lot of training and a butch Dutch kickboxer from a notoriously dirty camp/sport culture would never be on PED'S.

Some women have have square jaws. It's called genetics.

The jaw of a man who himself is on test, isn't genetic.

Her jaw isn't even that big for a woman. Was Lauren on roids?

That Bobby Briggs movie is responsible for the beating this woman is going to get.

No link?

I don't need to. I understand biology. :)

I understand combat sports, and you’re an idiot.