Ant called Opie a mic stand that gets paid as much as him...

113  2017-12-19 by VicDumb


The Comedy needs to be directed carefully!

Fawk yeah! Direct in right into incoming traffic, TAKE A PHONE CALL!

and Compound sucking so hard sure proves that

Gotta work the conversation to find the sweet spot. Yes, he actually said that.

And Jimmy probably blew a guy wearing a wig named Mike. What's your point?


Why would he name his wig Mike?

He really did just fall apart immediately.

car crash

Keep telling yourself that Ant. Meanwhile, in reality, Opie made two high school dropouts millionaires. But, Anthony is right, he did Dice impressions so it's about him.

Pat Battle alt?

giving someone an opportunity isn't nearly as hard as that person taking advantage of an opportunity, sockcucka

Allowing Ant to sit in on his shitty local Long Island show wasn't what made him rich, faggot.

Yeah I know. Not allowing Ant to make any decisions is what did it. Jimmy was his hire and he instantly knew he was funny but could not be anything more than the third mic. Opie is unfunny and wants the reason the show was successful by himself. But, if you think Jim and Ant would have done it without him, you are fucking delusional. Just like Opie could never have been anywhere near as successful without them. Oh yeah.., faggot

opie treated jim like a prop while jim and ant became good friends. and then opie became jealous of that

You are absolutely right. I dared make the same point a year ago ( and the Ant and Jim fanboys downvoted me into oblivion. The truth hurts.

No. Opie sucks on his own but they all don't. Jim and Ant are more entertaining than O ever was. And having listened to O&A religiously since 1998, it was always clear that Ant was the funny one. It wasn't obvious until a few years later that Opie was the moody, bitchy, brooding, girly one. He can't take the tiniest criticism in a room full of funnier people who are busting the balls off of each other.


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Exactly, not being funny isn't why everyone hates Opie. If he just acted like a normal guy instead of a bitch people would have a lot less of a problem with him. You can be not funny but still likable.

What brilliant "decisions" and contributions did Opie make over the years that he didn't allow Ant or Jim to make? Jumping to calls in the middle of great interactions? Making everyone uncomfortable with his awkward humorlessness and his inability to laugh at himself?
O&A stalled in terms of fame and career prospects after satellite because of the piss poor "strategic planning" Gregg masterminded and that was the only thing he could contribute. He sabotaged live appearances and shows after the virus tour when he realized the crowd hated him and was content hiding behind the mic for the last 15 years, while blaming "management" for not being able to do it. If anything, Opie was always a detrimental force for the show. Keep telling yourself that he was some sort of catalyst for everyone's success, despite the immense evidence to the contrary faggot.

Man, day be lots of faggots diz tread.

Opie gave the opportunity to Ant to become a millionaire meanwhile Anthony made Tits a millionaire. If you think Spuds Buckley was ever going to make it without someone much more talented and funnier than him carrying the entire load, you're a dumb deluded faggot.

opie is basically like Don King... nothing but a talentless agent who scouts talent and rides them to the top

... only Don King is smart and strategic and can roll with the punches.

And a nigger

That's right. Without Op, Ant might not have had his break. But without Ant, Op would have always been a nobody on a nowhere station.

Opie was going nowhere before Ant showed up trying to get airtime and carried them both to success. Opie was on in the middle of the night on Long Island getting no attention. Ant actually took a pay-cut when he quit his air conditioning job to get into radio. If it hadn't been Opie who put him on the air, Ant would've kept trying until he got on the air somewhere else. And it was Dice who brought Jimmy to O&A because he happened to be on the outs with Stern at the time. If it hadn't been the O&A show there's a good chance Jimmy would have at least been a guest on Howard Stern eventually, just like pretty much every other comedian Jimmy worked with at the time eventually was. It's not like Gregg Hughes was the only ticket.

Opie would have been replaced by a computer on the night time attitude. They both got lucky. And when they did they capitalized on it

Opie would be making six figures the rest of his life in his alternate reality life without Ant and Jim

Ant still seems sour over Opie not signing with compound media. We all know that's why he started taking shots again in October, he's such a fag.

youre going to have to offer him more than 50% of the company if you want the PSYCHO

I just find it interesting how the bashing from Ant started again around the same time Opie rejected them.

Fuck, Ant had several calls with opie on his show and there was no indication of bad blood there. They just all need to shut the fuck up about eachother, they are turning into battered housewives.

They are all phonies who lie to strangers and each other's faces

I'd be pissed off too. Opie has the personality of a junkie. He's lost everything and everyone in his life and his only friend probably leant out something like an olive branch and the dope tried to big-dick him in the arrangements. There's no doubt in my mind that's what happened. Ant is a degenerate ass but deep down his emotional and obsessed with the past.

From what I’ve gathered, Anthony made overtures to Opie to bury the hatchet and (possibly) get him on the network. Opie proceeded to passive aggressively refuse these offers through third parties on Twitter, and eventually unfollowed Anthony.

So, all in all, Opie’s a cunt.

I suppose his negotiating tactics always worked in the past. Until they didn't.

Oh man oh boy he unfollowed granthony?? That’s like ww3 for these three seniors citizens

Gregg treated Anthony, offering him something on his home-made network from an honest position, like any of the contract negotiators at the XM table. He then trashed it behind Ant's back, crypically responding to people on twitter that "There's a lot of problems over there."

It's unfair to paint Anthony as petty and squabbling, all indications are that he dropped that approach and was treated like shit despite making the effort. "Man up" attitude of "getting over it" that everyone - the sub, vos, artie, countless of OnA universe people - will have this whole drama play out, where Opie reveals himself to be human garbage deserving of nothing, over and over again.

I remember him saying not too long ago that he would have Opie on CM. I think Opie probably turned him down because his ego couldn't take getting a job offer from someone when you basically gave them their career, and they proved themselves to be better than you.

I think Opie probably turned him down because his ego couldn't take getting a job offer from someone when you basically gave them their career, and they proved themselves to be better than you.

I agree.

Yeah, I didn't think it was real, but it turned out it was real.

You dare offer less than 50% to the DESTROYER?

i wish they had enough balls to diss opie on air

maybe then he would have quit, and we'd have hundreds of hours of nopie shows

Exactly. What did anyone stand to lose by Oqie quitting the show?

Well, there was the risk that, if the Opie and Anthony Show failed, all three hosts might wind up with shitty individual shows and their loyal audience growing to despise them.

Why would you think that would ever happen though?

Well, that would never happen!


Too subtle...

better yet why didnt they leave and get their own radio show and cut XMs HUGE sharetake out?

oh right cuz they cant plan a business on their own and they need somebody to hold their runaway brains and egos in place.

I think u might get your wish. Ant probably have to join Jimmy to keep CM afloat.

Here is at least a hundred hours of Nopies shows for you:

Now if only one of them had the balls to get Patrice to seriously diet and get to a gym, Bobby is getting to that stage now and at 50 you really cant fuck around with that shit.

Bobby is 2 years from death. The only reason he outlived Patrice is he has a white heart.

Bobby is as white as Anthony.

i wish they had enough balls to diss opie on air in front of him

Then Opie would have quit, started his own show, split the fanbase amongst the comedy likers and the "HOWLING" trucker faggots, and everyone in our humble sewing circle would be talking about "how fucking stupid Ant is" for "rocking the boat and destroying the brand."

But ant did "rocking the boat and destroying the brand."

He just did it by taking pictures of trannys.

They sure are brave now that dopie is off the air huh

It's more that they gave Opie a thousand opportunities to redeem himself, and he squandered every one.

My theory is that Ant is fed up because Opie threatened legal action

What legal action?

I’m not sure but Ant was really excited. Apparently he loves getting ‘Sue’d’

Sue everyone!

I sure know Ant wants some of that cute little peckah

No, it's because Ant just saw his subscribers decline by 70% after Artie died (is he dead?). He needs something else to keep the lights on.

Nah, he called grom the hospital today

I haven't cancelled mine and won't.


i called Opie and Sam microphone stands last night, i think Anth was lurking and agreed that Opie is a non-contributing inanimate object

There’s a lot of problems in ‘dat studio…


He was talking about XFL. Neither wanted to do it but they threw too much money so Ant attempted to give a shit while Opie just held a mic

Ant never had the balls to say this to Opie face-to-tits, though, which makes me hate him even more. Opie wore the pants in that partnership from day one, and that hilariously sad fact probably still keeps anthony up at night.

Yeah, Anthony was talented, but lacked any kind of management know-how. Opie really did take this tin knocker out of his obscure Rotgut hobby and gave him a gig.

Much as it's unpopular to praise Opie in this subreddit, he was right to call Tranthony "a piece of human garbage." The only reason Tranpa isn't dead twenty years ago is because of Oqie Raqio.

Lmao how funny and ironic is it that the most hated man in the O&A universe (Gregg Hughes) is also the most important in the O&A universe? We are all faggots.

It's because we all hate ourselves.

Ant told that story about early on in their partnership, when someone from the station they were working at asked Ant about ditching Opie to have his own show. But he didn't, and I say that made them even.

Well yeah, but does Ant owe Opie a life debt for that, regardless of how much of an insufferable asshole he was for 20 years? I mean Opie needed Anthony just as much; he'd still be doing the Nighttime Attitude and making appearances as Spuds Buckley today, assuming he didn't off himself.

Because Anthony felt he owed Opie a debt, Opie got him out of that HVAC hell with the spackle buckets and Anthony was indebted for life.

does anyone other than Than actually say his name even now? Ant's still a pussy in another room, hes as spineless as they come

Ant was fired for being stupid on Twitter. Opie re-signed for millions. Ant trashed Opie for attention on his basement podcast. Opie wouldnt take Ant's calls. Opie became desperate and buried the hatchet with Ant on air. Opie is fired, negotiated with Compound, but ultimately decided it be weird after what theyve been through to walk into Ant's company with Ant's people. Ant hates Opie again.

I know Opie is an unfunny cunt but it feels like Anthony is the cunt here.

They're all cunts in their own special ways.

Motherfuck them, motherfucks to everyone.

Opie didn't "go to bat for him" as they said. He admitted later that he didn't try as hard as he could've to keep Ant on, and after Opie was let go, Anthony was conveniently allowed to start coming back in the building. That's not a coincidence. Opie was and has always been the prick here. Not to mention, the fact that no one is on his side in this.

Link or it never happened faggot

Ant's so funny I can overlook the kidfucking.

Makes you wonder who the real monsters are

he was more like a studio and production team that allowed him to come in 10 minutes late to quip for a check.

In all seriousness there would be no O&A without the O. Yes, he is not funny in the slightest, but having a director of sorts does actually move shit along. Just listen to the chip podcast. It's just droning. Opie should have shut the fuck up more and he would have been ever better at it. Just the guy staying on script. But he thought he was funny and popular.

It's basic radio stuff. Listeners don't have attention spans for long segments and you have to keep people who just tuned in "in the loop", hence the repetition. It could have been done by any other trained DJ. The comedians however, just want to riff.

youre going to have to offer him more than 50% of the company if you want the PSYCHO


I think Opie probably turned him down because his ego couldn't take getting a job offer from someone when you basically gave them their career, and they proved themselves to be better than you.

I agree.

Exactly, not being funny isn't why everyone hates Opie. If he just acted like a normal guy instead of a bitch people would have a lot less of a problem with him. You can be not funny but still likable.