Anthony knows how he likes things over at Compound Media

8  2017-12-19 by ChrisMMatthews


I did know Troy Quan golfed.

hurry up and fix this

Noone stores his dildo on the wall. That little muug prepared too much for this photo.

The change thrown on the ground really ties the room together.

By the looks of the dispersion pattern, it probably fell out of his asshole as he was setting up this photo shoot.

the other one is soo much dirtier than the other one. Guess when your dildos have aids you need to buy a new one

Fake news

Nothing says Cumia like a shit-stained dildo stuck to plain white wall completely devoid of character.

What a FAWKIN dirtbag

Why did you censor the name?

That ass looks FIRE

I think that might be a Fuck Me Silly Mega Masturbator with over 20lbs of pussy and ass.


I dunno if I should feel happy for this guy or utter disgust.

Jason Ellis accepted your request?!