I can't be the only person that thought today's J&S was unbearable.

3  2017-12-18 by theceilinistheroof

Jesus christ. Non-stop trampling over each other. It was actually making the Gregg hate unfunny.

Bringing Than in was a great idea because you could actually hear from a guy who disappeared, where he's at now, etc. But they refused to let anyone make a fucking point. Just non stop faggity mutant laughter and continuing to go back to points that were trampled on only to do it again with the most overdone passive aggressive Gregg hate. We get it. He stinks.

Wait what did you say? x30 Oh I was gonna say Greggster unfollowed me - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA wait what?

Fuckin hell Sam stinks.


The first 40 minutes stunk, with Jimmy saying that UFO shit had to be legit because the NYT reported it. Just kept saying the same shit over and over.Fuck off. Then Bob Kelly disappeared for the last half of the show. C- grade.

you are. god damn rich cunt

Wait...can you please replay the Deathwish clip so I can fake laugh at something I know is coming because someone makes youtube videos of my laughs.

Sam sat back during Anthony's first appearance in studio, but he's back to steering the ship when Ant is on now.

There was a reason him and Jim switched seats. Shut your fuckin nugget hole.

As he should. Maybe sooner or later he'll tell Jim that his infatuation with a 70 yr old pedophile is making everyone uncomfortable.

The types of shows the majority of this sub likes, I hate. The "riffing" as they call it when you have someone like Vos in and no one can complete a thought because everyone is interrupting every fourth word with a "sick burn."

Shut up, stupid

Nice shirt, stupid..

Someone made this point earlier when talking about the supposedly BRUTAL cellar table.

Thats because that's what they're good at. It's not that this is the height of humor, but it's the one thing they do well. I don't need to listen to middle of the road Jim pontificate about politics while Opie Roberts tries to shoehorn in some wrestler.

I don't find it entertaining. To me the best shows have always been when discussing a tv show, movie, some sort of current event that was not beyond their knowledge (i.e. politics). I also like long-form interviews with interesting guests, which you fucking cannot do with someone like Vos in the room cause he constantly interrupts and makes it about himself.

to clarify, I hate the long-form interview with MMA, porn, or a wrestler.

I used to love the stupid contests and bits they had. When they did something so uncomfortable and heinous and had stupid comedians reacting to it while doing it.

I find new radio-shows boring. They just talk. They never create moments or fun stuff to happen on the show, it's all just talk, talk, talk. Especially boring talk about the profession of comedy gives me suicidal tendencies. Shut up, nobody cares stupid!

Right. That’s what i like too. Find a conversation point and talk about it. I don’t want to hear bill burr talk about comedy. I want to have everyone watch some trending stupid YouTube video and rip it apart.

Things like the 90 day fiancé analysis or the Rosie O’Donnell plays a retard movie.

Yes, or E-Rock eating mayonnaise or having a bunch of naked ladies on a bus in the middle of New York.

What happened to effort? Just a bunch of low-energy talk nowadays. I fucking despise riffing, ugh, self-important bullshit.

How gay is that faggot ass song of Troys?

Ant: “It sounds African.”

I could only make it about 40 mins in, it’s hard to listen to that shit

Thank you. They are all so dumb, uninformed and filled with "I'm a known comedian so I know my stuff" delusional confidence. Between Norton's disturbing abuse stories, Bobby and Sam the diet experts and then the UFO shit I turned it off. Drunk Vic Henley with SOA Opie at the local tavern was much more entertaining.

Yes, or E-Rock eating mayonnaise or having a bunch of naked ladies on a bus in the middle of New York.

What happened to effort? Just a bunch of low-energy talk nowadays. I fucking despise riffing, ugh, self-important bullshit.