'I haven't rollerbladed in years...I used to when it was hip.' - Opie to Carl on his pop up show right now

10  2017-12-18 by Gilgores_Trout

He also said he bought a telescope from B and H because he's a peeping Tom


When was rollerblading "hip"?

The early 80s?

Early nineties all the kids thought it was awesome.

Correct answer is Never

For about 9 months in 1990

[quote]He also said he bought a telescope from B and H because he's a peeping Tom[/quote]

He won't stop until he sees someone dropping a deuce.


"Hammers", brotherman.

You guys think the Opester wore protective gear including fingerless rash gloves, elbow/knee pads and helmet while rollerblading around the UWS?