Black Queens

13  2017-12-18 by crookedmile


They really are animals


And obviously heavenly white people are realized beings, floating above possible confrontational situations in the lotus position at every turn.

Find me a video of a white mother wading into a brawl with her young child on her arm in order to land a punch or kick. I can think of another black one actually, where the ape litterally had her kid in her arm and was swinging with the other, and baseball bats were involved. So if you are trying to say that white people are the same you need to find 2, just to equal the vids i can think of, im sure there are more. You cant.

Man i don't do homework and research for easily triggered trumptards. I have seen it, not as much as 'those people', but i have seen it none the less. You really tell it like it is boss.Now that you mention it, have you ever taken peak at the photos of the nasa control room in the 60's?

...trumptards... oof

Trumptards and SJW's belong in the same group as far as im concerned; both just a bunch of easily triggered faggots who secretly want to blow each other.

You used the word trumptards. Stop trying to cover your ass now, we know who you are.

Good job, yes i did; indeed, you have basic comprehension skills. I will say it one more time; you're no better than the SJW's you (rightly so) get so triggered at all the time, you humourless cunt.

No i am better. And again look at what your posting before calling anyone a humourless triggered cunt ya big fat angel

Uhhh please, white women are the most useless uncoordinated people out there. They couldn't even they wanted to. You seem like the type to call everyone a cuck and then seek out videos to get yourself all triggered and hard.

You couldn't be more wrong in your assessment dude. Why are you so keen to defend these savages?

I'm keen on the OG poster just making a joke, and you taking all the humour out of it by becoming the 'serous look at the stats' guy. Take a fucking joke you asshat.

He didn't make a joke, he posted a video of animals animalling about and i said they were all animals, and then a butthurt douche like you started in with the "well and now im sure white people are just the pinnacle of blah blah blah isnt my sarcasm witty" and i responded to that. Stop crying.

The other guy you dolt.

Can you read?

Continue fighting the good fight sir.

At least black women are hot though. Oh wait, no they're not. Fuckin stinky cacaskins.

Nah dude, a (muslim, if you can believe that) escort who i saw and then became a regular thing with mates rates, who also let me cum in both her holes raw (god i miss her, she was a gem) was black, and was an absolute knockout. We went to breakfast once and as we walked up to the place i saw a guy who was chatting to his friend start catch a glimpse of her and start stumbling over his words like he was in a trance. If it was a cartoon, his tongue would have rolled out his mouth like a carpet and steam would have come out his ears.

So even amongst prostitutes, the black ones are cheap and especially degenerate.

Believe me she wasnt cheap. She did also tell me i was the first to get inside her brown(est) hole, and she did seem like an innocent flower new to the industry (her prices have since doubled) but obe has to take these things with a pinch of salt.

The fact that you are typing this with the utmost sincerity is very funny.

Everything i said was true through. Whats funny?

That you believed the lies of an expensive hooker and went to breakfast with her. "She said she'd never done that before and I was special!" Jesus Christ dude.

Did you completely miss the part where i said "one has to take these things with a pinch of salt"? Jesus Christ dude.

Well one, You're a day for saying "a pinch of salt." Keep in mind this is after you talking as if you stole an expensive hooker's bareback virginity. Be honest: have you started to question whether or not she was a practicing Muslim, as well?

Which again i said "if you can believe that" she was impressed i had a koran, which she spotted in a stack of books, and yeah she struck me as the muslim equivalent of the catholic schoolgirl, ive dated a muslim girl before, they arent all chanting death to america and cutting off heads, a lot are dtf. And yeah she struck me as a fairly naive girl, so as i say, might be true might not, but the way she carried herself was like a naive girl, and i dont think shes that good an actor, or that slick, but again i could be wrong. She loved suicide squad, that doesnt make her mata hari in my eyes.

carries around a koran, trusts hookers, and takes them to breakfast


I dont carry it around, i litterally just said it was in a stack of books. Are you ok?

It's also very funny that you're trying to speak as if I'm some crazy unhinged guy who can't comprehend the totally normal and reasonable claims you are making. By way human beings can carry multiple books around with then you fucking dolt. Stop feigning bewilderment.

Im not trying to do that at all sweetie, you just seem to have missed at least 3 fairly straight forward points i have made in posts, almost like they werent there to you, all seemingly to fulfil a rage in you. Im just checking to see if you are ok, the unhinged thing is a chip you placed on your own shoulder hun. Also most human beings dont carry stacks of books around with them, particularly religious texts, to incalls with hookers, i know you are trying to cling on to something here, but it might be time to call it a day

Congrats, you went raw and most likely caught the bug from a Somalian hooker and even got conned into buying her food after. I’m sure everybody was raging with jealousy.

Im sorry that breakfast for 2 is such a financial challenge for you.

White people are definitely fucked up, but light years more evolved than everyone save the Japanese and South Koreans, who have the benefit of homogeneous fascist ethnostate. Excuse me, Western White Men, our women have overtaken the Negroid and Sand Negroid as the saddest, most unevolved element of the species. If you ever get to leave your gated community or gentrified condo complex with police ( who you people conveniently refer to as Nazis) at every corner, and actually get some real world experience with non-whites, you'd be the first to call for genocide, and people like you will once the streets are no longer safe for your latte stands and martini Monday power hours following hot yoga sessions.

White people are definitely fucked up

Why do you feel the need to preface your post with this bullshit statement,In some kind of outreach of fairness,that as long as you criticize your side first ,you will somehow have a shred more credibility than if you didn't begin this post with what everyone knows is a lie?

No, b/c there's truth to it. Nobody is saving the planet here, in case you haven't noticed buddy. I'm not softening the blow, or appealing to anyone's fairness by qualifying that preface, just making an honest statement. Followed by an even more honest evaluation of the reality of the situation.

The only reason the Japanese and South Koreans seem like half way civilized societies now, is because they have had to submit to the white mans will and culture as a result of losing two wars.

Learn about Japan pre WWII,and you'll see they were almost as savage as any 3rd world country you would see now.Or just look at North Korea Today,to see what Asians would be like without the white mans influence.

Savagery,lawlessness,and corruption abounds in 3rd world Asian countries like the Philippines and Thailand that weren't forced to change due to losing wars to the white man,and having to submit to governmental changes as a part of signing complex treaties,which eventually had a domino effect on their culture and laws.AKA Japan and South Korea

Those weaves are falling down like snakes in Indiana Jones.


I feel bad for the kids that have to be raised by these monsters

Future crime statistics, all of them

Its sad. This happened in my neighborhood poor kid never had a chance.

"I was like, where's my gun?"

Jesus fucking Christ man....

You feel bad for them until their brains have fully developed by 7 years-old and they're ooga booga-ing with the rest of 'em.

But is it the shitty parenting that causes them to ooga booga or is it in their very genes?

Deep questions with /u/fawwkyeah

... can't it be both?

Ooga and booga, if you will.

I like how that little dude just casually drives into the melee. I'm sure all the screaming and violence wont have a negative influence on him later in life.

Oh no, it most certainly will

I hope the robots kill them first

Sometimes I feel awful for black women. Many of them can be the most humble, decent people in the country, who are actually marginalized, generally treated like shit and most reviled as a group. They're also considered te least attractive and undateable, have the most baggage, and the least status across the board by males. I'm back in NYC for the holidays and met a wonderful black chick the other night who I finally had the good fortune of breaking my 5 plus month dry spell with, who was a stellar, honest chick. Far too kind for a stone cold loser like me. Having said that, black women, far too often, doing it to themselves. You would think that "being born" at the bottom of the barrel, like muslim women, would activate a self-preservation mechanism for black women, where they increase other attractive qualities in order to attract suitors, but no, it sent them down the most self-destructive self-hatred spiral known to this species. What's even more terrifying is that white women, who were born with everything, and are at the very top of the dating pyramid, solely on account of their "exotic" looks and insanely high status for nothing but her men's achievements, are going down the road of the black woman, and doing everything in their power to destroy their reputations and cause their men to despise them and walk away altogether. Bams seed, any thoughts on this with that fine ass of yours?

Congrats on getting pussy.

Honestly i have light skin privilege im capable of behaving myself and speaking properly when necessary but i don't always choose to. Men love me i can get any man i want just can't keep one

Fat, stank ass girls can also get any man they want. As long as a broad is willing to be a sexual degenerate, even the studdiest of studs would bite the bullet if horny enough. But yea, being a redbone is to black chicks, what a auburn/redhead with crystalline green eyes is to white women. Hope you get your man in the new year.

Little know fact:Almost any women can get a guy to fuck her,but NOT keep him.

If you think that makes you special,your ego needs to come down a few notches.

Didn't you say that this lovely ebony princess had a stench that could curl a cats whiskers?

Yes. It was awful, but she was a fantastic person. Very sweet lady.

Reminds me of the daughter of a Pakistani family who runs a gas station near my house. Nice girl, but she reeks of body odor and some exotic perfume literally every time I stop there.

Muslim women make the best/most loyal partners. Their men are some of the biggest degenerate losers on the planet, and they stay loyal to the end. It's a shame. I bet that girl is gonna make some smelly bastard happy someday.

Yep, He'll treat her like shit and she'll just smile and bear it like her mother does with her father.

Poor Paki store clerk. Hope she finds her happiness.

Decent black women will do anything for a white man.

That statement makes me sad, but there's a morsel of truth behind it. But I have an addendum to the comment, they'd do anything for a good, proper, handsome white guy who has "alpha" qualities, they know what's good for them, and the whole strong independent woman bullshit always crashes against the reality of civilization needing Big White Daddy to move forward. It's amazing how we went from playing golf on the moon and civil rights, to the complete destruction and displacement of the most advanced society the species has/possibly ever will know in just 3 short generations.

Thats where you are wrong, friend. I am by no means a perfectly handsome alpha, but black girls don't give me 1/100000th the bullshit that white girls give me. Black girls don't make me jump through hoops to fuck them and will take care of me with no questions asked. Maybe because they know I'm not going to rape and beat them and leave them with an illegitimate child.

Could be. They could also be using you for your status. Black women are desperate to go "swirling," it gives them insane status points in their communities.

Black women hate other black women who date white guys. I think you are a bullshitter, sir

Yeah it's only a certain type of women who treat white men as a prize and we talk mad shit about them. I do have a friend like this tho. Got an ugly russian dude and thinks she won the lotto

Got an ugly russian dude and thinks she won the lotto


If there's any hate, it's out of jealousy they couldn't get a white man of their own to lock down or if they're some afrocentric black queen type, in which case they weren't ever gonna get a dude who's not black anyway, unless they stumble upon a cuck like Nia did with Bill. Look into the "Swirling" phenomena if you think I'm bullshitting or maybe it's just a matter of where you are in the country. In NYC, I remember black girls would spend a lot of time gossiping about finding a good white boy and being happy for eachother when they got some white guy to actually date and not just use them for sexually deviant curiosity purposes.

Nigga who cares about their motives. Pussy is pussy

Women care, man. Ones with self-respect that is. They don't want to be used as some bed wench for a guy who doesn't give a shit about them. But, yes, pussy is pussy. After an almost half year long dry spell, I learned that the hardway. I was grateful just to get laid again.

dese hoes be jealous

Why are you people allowing this faggotry to pass unchecked?

I dunno. I'm stupid.

Black women are just as shit as any other type of woman. White women aren't born into a high place everyone knows they're naggy sociopaths. It's just black chicks are overly emotional pieces of shit who will poke and prod like any other type just with a different attitude.

I never said they weren't. Bitches are bitches across the spectrum, but if you can't see the gulf of societal class between white women and all others, especially black women, I dunno what to tell you. As a general rule of thumb from my experience in this civilization, white women can do no wrong, and black women can only do wrong. White women are always being forgiven, and being excused for the most abhorrent behavior on the planet, while black women are always been fucked with. That's just what I see, but I could be losing my mind.

"Societal class?" What the fuck are you talking about? You know poor white women exist, right? Are you some suburban guy? Yeah you're losing your mind, black women in this culture are praised above all else and white women are openly mocked. I seriously don't know what world you live in. The only time it changes is when we see them chimp out in a burger king and beat each other with their own kids. Sorry dude that doesn't happen with Asian chicks, we are capable of noticing trends.

Bro, you're going crazy here. No, I'm not some suburban guy. And this has nothing to do with wealth. If you can't see that white women are at the very top of the social hierarchy when it comes to dating and protection from our civilization you are completely out of touch with reality. They are the most well protected by law, well-fed, protected by society, well educated, privileged, spoiled rotten demograph who has ever existed. They are by far the most desired demo of women on the planet, where they are worshipped/adored by all men on the planet. Where do you live that ghetto black women are considered saints? Where do you live that black women are respected and valued. They are at the bottom of the dating hierarchy, often for good reason. The only people whpo [praise them are PC white women, and only in public to virtue signal, while they laugh at them behind their back and fuck all their men. I'm not defending black women here at all, and as stated above, believe they've brought this upon themselves for refusing to change and accept reality, but to suggest that black women are praised/adored, especially when compared to white women is lunacy.

That reminds me that the documentary Jane is on my list of things to watch. Turns out that Chimps are more violent that people, well some people.

Maybe not "those people"

Niggers gonna nig

They're not very intelligent and have low impulse control.

Where is this btw? Florida?

That little muuug stole a car and was driving it in the mall! You guys see that shit?

At least the kid didn't go through the windshield.

Bebe is at it again.

America would be paradise without these wide nosed jungle dwellers

I want to be like Hitler but instead of killing Jews kill niggers

Find me a video of a white mother wading into a brawl with her young child on her arm in order to land a punch or kick. I can think of another black one actually, where the ape litterally had her kid in her arm and was swinging with the other, and baseball bats were involved. So if you are trying to say that white people are the same you need to find 2, just to equal the vids i can think of, im sure there are more. You cant.

White people are definitely fucked up, but light years more evolved than everyone save the Japanese and South Koreans, who have the benefit of homogeneous fascist ethnostate. Excuse me, Western White Men, our women have overtaken the Negroid and Sand Negroid as the saddest, most unevolved element of the species. If you ever get to leave your gated community or gentrified condo complex with police ( who you people conveniently refer to as Nazis) at every corner, and actually get some real world experience with non-whites, you'd be the first to call for genocide, and people like you will once the streets are no longer safe for your latte stands and martini Monday power hours following hot yoga sessions.

Black women hate other black women who date white guys. I think you are a bullshitter, sir

Can you read?