Looks like Anthony's problems on Twitter are just beginning...

4  2017-12-18 by To_Come_On_Eileen


Theres a huge purge of alt-righties and such coming. Ant might get banned again

Isn't it funny how everyone supports net neutrality but nobody gives a shit that Twitter silences people that disagree with them?

Net Neutrality allows you to start a competing site where you can make rules YOU believe are fairer. And if people agree with you, they will flock over to it. That's free enterprise.

Without Net Neutrality, Twitter pays the bandwidth-throttlers a little "incentive" to keep competing websites like yours running slower... or having to pay as much as they do for equal speed, which no startup can do. This is how the people with the money continue to be the only ones that get to make it.

Net Neutrality, and the need to maintain it for everyone, should be the one subject most Americans agree on. It's not left vs right, it's people vs corporations. We've been losing ground to them for decades, we need some wins here or all of us are simply going to be allowed to think and say what the corporations want us to.

Because people support the free market.

its private company - they make the rules you choose to use it or to go to less known alternative that has different rules.

net neutrality is about you having equal access to both sites (meaning your ISP can not slow down your access to that alternative site just because twitter paid them to do so)

Well, I guess I'll go ahead and start making more alt accounts to cyberbully people more successful than myself.