Than has turned up and said he didn't like opie

87  2017-12-18 by Dennyislife

ME: another fuckin problem in that room


So did Opie only snap his fingers at Than or did he snap them at everyone? I can't remember if it was ever specified, but interesting timing with Than back for the first time in forever.

Anthony has suggested he did it at almost everybody "beneath him", I imagine everyone except Ant and Jim got the old Hughes snap.

The "Not Sam" on his sleeve there is bunched up in such a way that at first glance, it looks like "AUTISM".

What a fucking douche

He deserves to be tossed in a wood chipper (what's dat?)

mother fucker is dressed like a bag of charcoal

Snapping your fingers at somebody is such a stereotypically douchey move. It's what somebody does when they are pantomiming as a belligerent fictional character.

Funny how everyone Opie comes in contact with ends up hating him

Must be a series of coincidences, or even a conspiracy by the “haters.” It couldn’t possibly be Opie’s own fault.

He's suggested, with complete sincerity/delusion, that he believes Ant manipulates people against him. During the Jim fight, he screamed it several times with a sense of disbelief that Norton couldn't see it like he did.

It would be funny if Ant actually was, and it was like a Joe Cumia court TV moment of “your honor, there’s this online community and they call themselves pests”

Ant would have to be on a Hitler level of manipulation so it could be possible

Have you seen some of his girlfriends? Only a master manipulator could pull women who look like from behind that pock-marked, balding, ethnic face of his.

it's called money, dipshit

It's both and have you seen these girls. They ain't the brightest. The one that he's using now, wherever I see her on Chips show, she has the look in her eyes of an amateur porn star after her first gang bang.

she has the look in her eyes of an amateur porn star after her first gang bang


This faggot thinks dani and sue are 7's.

I won’t hear you slander Sue, he’s stunning.

A Thanspiracy, if you will.

What I find remarkable about it is that as much as we all hate him for how talentless and annoying he is on air, there's another layer of hateable behavior that causes his colleagues and subordinates to hate him

When I was at skanksfest I asked people what it was like working for Opie at Sirius and I was told everybody hated him and he treated people beneath him like shit. Nothing we didn’t already know but it was nice to hear it from someone who was there.

Here's Opie snapping his fingers at Master Po. It's as infuriating as it sounds.

The ones that were made sure not to be picked up by a mic actually sound like they'd be worse to me. Here at least everyone sees what he's doing and he's playing his faggoty "destroyer" role.

If he snaps just because he doesn't want to give verbal commands, and only a few or no other people even know he's doing it to you, I think it's far cuntier.

Jim didn't. Chip did.

Friends with a former intern, he said Opie snapped at him and everyone, half the time in lieu of any sort of verbal accompaniment. As if they were dogs.

That made me laugh, not infuriated. Like honestly if anyone clicked their fingers at me I'd laugh. It's like an literal 'eye roll' it's hack emotion to display.

you come from a long line of coolees then

2nd top comment

Sam's stupid face should be caved in.

The one thing every co-host and co-worker who hates Opie has in common:

They are all pussies who waited and kissed his ass until the coast was clear

You mean they worked for a guy they didn’t like but put up with it for getting paid lots of money?

You've never hated your boss and shut up for the paycheck?

I don't have a boss because, as a smart person, I live off welfare rather than spending countless hours making money for another adult male like cuckold

Also I've been fired from every job I ever had for being too real

Also your point doesn't work because he was a partner not a boss to Anthony, and Anthony could have backed up the staff as one half of the show brand

Haha broke worthless autistic nigger.

You could always start your own business and work for yourself. It sounds like you're dynamic, positive and motivated enough to make it happen.

I am an entrepreneur, I am still in the building phase

When I'm a millionaire you can bet I'm going to turn up the heat on this subreddit

I look forward to none of these things ever happening.

Well when it does you probably won't hear about it, so at least you can live your life as if it didn't

Good luck, sonny.

I planned to be a millionaire. Didn't pan out but I make a nice living. Also, I'd still be fuvked with anxiety and depression. Old just have more cars.

I hope you track down and kill us all.


I can't wait until the RapistWithAIDS biopic.

Was Than on the show or something? He was always my favorite.


That’s great. Wonder if he’s coming back since Jim and Sam lost a good portion of their staff.

Didn't sound like it. He works in games and has for nearly ten years. He quit comedy too. They all encouraged him to do it again.

It was always funny hearing him laugh at one of Ant or Jimmys jokes in the background, before anyone else got the joke.

Loved his big goofy laugh and his dry sarcasm.

Anthony hired Artie just because he wanted to fulfill his dream of watching his co-host die.

Who is Than?

Former producer. Good guy.

Nathaniel "Than" Bryant was a producer when O&A originally came to XM. The staff was around the same time as Danny, Derek (D-Boy), Steve, and Sam was an intern.

He also did a Saturday night "Than and Sam Show" for a while, then left the platform entirely to pursue a career in stand-up comedy never to be heard from again.

A few years later, Than showed back up in-studio with Lazlow, as the playtester the new Rockstar game, Grand Theft Auto: IV. Apparently, stand-up wasn't paying the bills and Than had to go legit and get a day job.

Thank you kind sir

Didn't Than also fuck a female intern on the Ron and Fez show?

Not sure. Are you thinking of when Jim fucked Intern Lily from the Ron and Fez show?

Did she fuck Jim? Her oapedia page says she fucked Jivin and Than.

Than is the background-laugh GOAT.

You mean super successful Stand Up Comic Than?!

You mean they worked for a guy they didn’t like but put up with it for getting paid lots of money?

You've never hated your boss and shut up for the paycheck?

I don't have a boss because, as a smart person, I live off welfare rather than spending countless hours making money for another adult male like cuckold

Also I've been fired from every job I ever had for being too real

Also your point doesn't work because he was a partner not a boss to Anthony, and Anthony could have backed up the staff as one half of the show brand

Haha broke worthless autistic nigger.

You could always start your own business and work for yourself. It sounds like you're dynamic, positive and motivated enough to make it happen.


I can't wait until the RapistWithAIDS biopic.

Thank you kind sir

Didn't Than also fuck a female intern on the Ron and Fez show?