"I'm not the problem in the end."

117  2017-12-18 by SpudsCuckley


He's said it enough times that he believes it. He's leaving an interesting digital footprint/manifesto for his kids to discover years from now.

I don't know. Lynsi believes his bullshit since she turned against Rich and Bonnie after Opie was fired, so the kids will probably believe it too.

She believes whatever she has to believe to maintain her lifestyle. She is bought and paid for.

Nah, she has the power in the relationship lIke Bonnie and Rich. Opie knows he can't do any better, especially now that he's unemployed and 54. Plus he probably didn't get a prenup.

There is no way in hell she is happy being with Gregg. The guy can't even keep a few friends around to casually go to a bar with let alone hold down a strong intimate relationship with a woman 20 years younger. He's not a fun guy at all and a complete stiff.

Do you really think a woman would marry a man purely based on his fininancial standing?

It's actually a fairly common occurrence, they even coined a term "gold digger" for these specific type of women.

Is the term really "digger"? I've been saying it wrong...thought it started with an n

Oh that actually happens quite often sir.

In my experience women love it when you lost a friend, just more romantic comedy and feelings talk time for them. A friendless money bag sounds like the perfect guy for most of the ladies i've met.

Bonnie was with Lynsi at the Friars event a few months ago. Anthony was also at the event but no Opie. Bonnie just isn't allowed to say her name on the podcast. Lynsi is simply a cumrag and Opie has proven he certainly can't do any better so they stick it out.

I know. But a month before that she said she was being excluded from activities with their mutual friends and she wouldn't return her calls. So they made up but she still believed Opie for a month that they were a fawkin problem.

Nice backwards news. Pearl Harbor came before Hiroshima. Cause and Effect. I'm sure not talking to Bonnie and Rich is a huge heartbreak even if it is only for a month. Fuck Rich and Bonnie and their begging for money for their second rate podcast. Fuck Lynsi and Bams retard children too. Fuck em, just like God did.

He's leaving an interesting digital footprint/manifesto for his kids to discover years from now.

my son, that is what we are doing.

When he finally snaps and kills himself and whomever else is in his vicinity they’ll need the impeccable records we’ve kept on this sub.

He would fuck that up and end up with a plastic jaw and a missing eye.

Sociopaths are incapable of envisioning the future.


You think his kids are going to give a shit?

All they care about is when is that loser is going to drop dead so they can get that money. I’m sure they hate him.

opie could have been a model, why did he steer the ship for over 20 years????????????

He wanted to be known for more than his good looks and enormous tits.

I always like opie better cause he was the cute one

He still doesn't understand comedy. People who are funny are human garbage most of the time.

Don't dignify it by explaining it. Opie goes around and humiliates vulnerable people and disabled people and does it on video, without even having alcohol or comedy as an excuse behind it. He's throwing stones from a glass house.

opie is human garbage and he's not funny. explain that one

He's a student of comedy.

I need that clip of him saying he would go to comedy clubs and not laugh because he was studying the comedian. He fancies himself a student of the human condition.

I refuse to believe anyone has ever said that. Although he did fancy himself a "body language expert" so his faggotry knows no bounds.

I definitely specifically remember him saying “I studied body language and this guy is absolutely lying” when they were talking about Anthony wiener.

Lol I love when he brings up how he took a FBI course in pathology and would bring in interns and warn them he could tell if they were doing schtick or not.

"Why didn't you say you were doing exaggerated humor?!"

As a civilian, you wouldn't understand "the craft".

And body language, don't forget.

And could have been a model.

Yeah. I Study this shit!

A+ retort, sir.

Opie is just a character dummy. He's said that multiple times

All thumbs are fingers but not all fingers are thumbs. Shinklabout it.

He steers the ship.

Peassa garbage. Bickering old kooks.

the worst part: Tits is right in that first sentence.

Our direction of hate is pretty fucked and funny when you think about. Anthony is funny and Opie sucks complete ass in terms of entertainment, but the guy we choose to support more than the other has done way more fucked up stuff

Opie is just annoying, Ant is legitimately dangerous

Opie will never be as funny though

"Tits is right"

Those three words never go together unless he kills himself.

Question: what happened between Opie and Lynsi and Rich and Bonnie? I’ve never heard much about it, thx

From what I could piece together, during the split Tits made all the comedians choose between himself and Jim. When they all went Jim, he apparently expected Rich to go full on Team Opester, and took him trying to 'play both sides' as the same as picking Jim outright, and it was speculated that he got so pissed off over it he didn't want Lynsi hanging around Bonnie anymore.

I have no proof of that, but it makes Gregg sound like a crybaby piece of shit, so I've been going with it.

Just like the Ant/Jen/Opie/Opie's chick foursome from back in the day. He needs an outside force to bring him and his "friends" together. He won't just say "Hey Rich, let's hang out". He needs his wife to drag him out and bring him to somebody who, out of politeness, will talk to him.

Just to elaborate a tad more, Vos was paid by Opie to do his show and not do J&S. Following Opie's firing Vos went on J&S, which turned him into a Benedick Arnold in the eyes of tits

No he was the problem from the beginning tsst tsst.

Whats he a sandwhich or sumptin? Tsss

It would definitely be great if Opie killed himself, but he's right that Anthony has deep psychological and emotional issues.

Issues that he acts defiant and arrogant about not acknowledging, as if anyone else cares if he never gets better and he isn't only hurting himself. Like everyone else is his parents telling him to clean his room and he's rebelling when in reality he's just fighting himself.

You really want Opie to kill himself?

Yes, I acknowledge that most people would be exaggerating, and your sagely response would be appropriate for them, but I'm different to other people

I mean he's not necessarily wrong, but I don't think there's a single "normal," well-adjusted person in the O&A universe. If he wants to be a bickering cunt, this shit could go on forever.

When did he tweet this?

after the first greggshells episode. https://youtu.be/NmEmDsHtOXY?t=27546

Arrrgh oh oi thought 'twas happened recently ye big teaser ye arrrgh


He's the problem in the beginning, middle, and end.

The Opster in another horrific self awareness fail. He's like a parody account at this point.

'I'm not the problem in the end'

No one says that, let alone thinks it, without knowing 100% that they are the problem.

Welcome to the end, Opie! You've been there for months now, in case you haven't noticed. You are utterly finished.


"In the end" is like goddamn nails on a chalkboard from this guy.

PERIOD. For the most part.

Go see it in IMAC theaters

Nice neck, Ope.

What is he talking about?! Of the only two people who could possibly know, one doesn't care and the other is never specific enough for anyone else to possibly care.

I know it’s been said here before, but Twitter really did turn all three of these assholes into catty 14 year old girls.

I love how his facial expression says "period."

He frequently calls people garbage. Which is something Chip used to do all the time...

Norton based Chip on Opie.

Nah, she has the power in the relationship lIke Bonnie and Rich. Opie knows he can't do any better, especially now that he's unemployed and 54. Plus he probably didn't get a prenup.