Bob Kelly addresses the reddit AMA we ruined

56  2017-12-18 by RapistWithHIV


rachel feinstein: yeah they built a community around just trashing us ... unless she meant jews she can't be serious. I had to google her to find out who she was.

She is, or was until recently Sherrod's roommate, no joke.

I'd rather live in a cardboard box in the middle of winter than an apartment with Sherrod, especially if I was a woman.


"We outta toilet paper nah, we outta toilet paper nah we outta toilet paper nah!!! Oh white girl, you got my email!"

If those two pooled their talent they wouldn't have enough liquid to fill Abe Lincoln's eye on the penny.

She's a coalburner so she's right there are communities build around trashing her

Fucking comedians it's the only job acceptable to have roommates in your 30s/40s yet us simple civilians make do with our own homes.

That's a pretty decent description

Isn't that the bitch who wants to ban guns?

That dummy bitch who did the chip podcast is pretty hot.

Yup. People hated her on that episode but she's the best looking producer yet.

You guys are only noticing because she kept her cunt mouth shut this clip

The fleshlight in the dunce cap?

Did you guys know that Judy Gold is a Jewish Lesbian? I had no idea she was a dyke kike! Why doesn't she ever mention it?

Bitch got offended by every joke Normand made. Really makes a comedy podcast that much better when someone repeatedly tells others that "you can't say that" after every slightly edgy joke.

I still never understood why she was ever on Tough Crowd.

She's friends with Colin.

Who couldn't be friends with that lovable scamp?

They needed someone to move the furniture around on set

In human history, there's been maybe 5 female comics who weren't holes.

And they were all born with penises

You know what, I’m quite fond of that fat fuck Bobby.

Hes got a weight problem what's the nigga gonna do he's samoan

He's a fine person, but he doesn't say much in the way of funny, by my tastes.


He has killed Norton, Vos and the Opester at times. He's not funny enough to have a successful career or anything but the dude can punch above his weight... somehow...

Now comedians like Esther Ku, Doug Benson, Ralphie May, shit I can name a hundred nobodies less funny than Bobby.

I had to stop and think to remember the ama thing. For us its a half hour of laughs and for them they bring it up months later as its sat with them.



What AMA was it?

Wow, you have a delusional opinion of yourself. A bullet through the head will help make you see the world more realistically

What part is delusional? He brought it up in this video ( 3 weeks ago) and the show yesterday. It clearly sits with him. I can't even remember a single post from it other than him being sat outside in some sort of hotel courtyard type place.

Keep searching weeks old threads though.

The fact that you think that these guys are thinking about you and shit you did day in and day out and it's YOU who is the special one and they are spending their lives talking about you! You are a fucking loser with no life and you are so desperate to make yourself seem like you have any purpose in life. You spend your days talking about these fuckin people, you suck at life.

"Keep searching weeks old threads though".... This is where you are at in life, that thinking "searching" weeks old threads(as if I'm looking with some purpose to insult you, you deluded manchild) is some type of insult. Wow, you and the rest of the disgusting wastes of life on this site really have no propose in life, none! If you had any self awareness you kill yourself out of pure embarrassment, and your mother having to clean you brains off the wall would be the happiest day of her life knowing that will be the last time she ever has to clean up after your pathetic ass

No sir. Not me. Just this place. You keep thinking you are the special one though

we didnt ruin it. I dont think there was one question about whatever he was doing the AMA for, youre welcome bobby

Bobby is such a bitch. He did state that the "Trolls" did make some good points about his weight. His show sucks unless Gomez or Soder are there. Bobby bitching is still cooler than anything Big Jay does. Blondie is only hot if you are starting the 4th Reich. I wonder if Ant has the Sugarbabby paper work ready for her after Missy's contract is up.

I just want to dump out a change jar on my chest so Rachel can sit on my face and calculate the pennies for hours

Of course the jew had to end it with her desire to make money.

That Rachel Feinstein chick is a snack

If bobby has people sit on each other's laps then he can double the amount of people on mics

Feel free to message him that, his heads sure to explode

Seriously, Bobby knows the complaint that he has too many people on and they all step over each other. Comedians have made jokes about how there’s too many people on his show. Why the fuck does Bobby keep doing it?

I think it's Bobby likes to think of himself as an elder statesman of comedy so he feels good having all these "comics" look up to him and he can teach them.

Yeah, Jimmy doesn't like criticism either. He was pissed when the commenters on youtube for the podacast said that it needs more structure. God forbid he does some prep so he doesn't have to ask the bores in the background where they work.

Comedians are a sensitive bunch despite what they claim.

Needs more people on the show...

Judy takes the conversation back to Jews. Shocking stuff.

Is that bitch on the second row, third across (the one who didn't contribute anything throughout that whole clip) the same cunt who was the worst ever hole on the chip chipperson podacast?

who's she fucking? why is she still in that scene? okay, I know women aren't funny but they can at least fall behind the subjective humor defense. But this bitch doesn't contribute one fucking thing -- there's nothing to be subjective about.

Try watching YKWD regularly. She literally just sits there looking blank the whole episode, every episode. And supposedly she does stand up.
She is the most useless human I have ever seen on a comedy show.

I looked her up on instagram, scrolled through hundreds of pics an nothing fappable at all. The best was a slightly out of focus bikini shot -- terrible quality. What a truly worthless bitch-faced cunt.

The bottom of Judy Gold's arm looks like a labia. Wear a shirt with sleeves you fucking idiot.

I'd listen but I need more people I've never heard of first.

Dang, it cut out just as Bob was about to blow our minds with his explanation about liking snaggle toothed, big nosed girls who are almost pretty.

Bobby takes up a whole box by himself

Yeah he's like Hollywood Circles or sumthin

Bobby is really in denial that he is morbidly obese, huh.

Bobby is so God damn stupid. That "I just spit my water out" reply is the Just For Laughs account transcribing HIS OWN response.

I want to suck on feinstens fat Jew nips

Who is that blonde girl? I don't watch any of this garbage unless you fags link it, but this is the third time I've seen her and she's never said a word.

You know what duuude? You get your sticks of butter, your mod and your whale songs Boom you got an AMA

I know its late but I just saw this now and holy shit that jew broad couldn't be more of show stopper. That is a hole with a capital H

I still never understood why she was ever on Tough Crowd.

In human history, there's been maybe 5 female comics who weren't holes.