Pete Davidson got a Sam Roberts tattoo

32  2017-12-18 by Dennyislife



fawkin crazy. I wuz thinkin of getting "LOL" tattoo. heavy metal

That was the arm he used to inject edible marijuana into. So brave.

how do you inject edible marijuana?

I know that you first have to roll it into paper but I never figured out what to do next.

I want to be cool like Pete.

Turns out he should still kill himself

Is getting shitty kitchen tattoos all the rage now? At least get good quality shitty tattoos

What an embarrassing collage of tattoos.

'member when tatoos meant you were a bad ass?

It’s one thing to have faggy tattoos but when you have money how do you get so many poorly done tattoos.

His tattoos look like Clipart

His arm looks like the toilet stall in a bar.