I hate Big A

64  2017-12-18 by lobotomy75

Serial killer lookin' creepy piece of shit. I hate that he's a bit. Fuck that guy. Seriously, fuck him if he thinks he's better than Bobo or anyone else


He's gonna stutter with ST words, YA GET IT!? Let's hear him struggle for a half hour.

He's the coolest, though.


He's the way of the future.

Big A and Bobo are freelancers, insofar as they are free of charge to CM. They're fan service to the old listeners and many people here are unadmitted CM subscribers.

And yet they're bitter rivals with one another. For all of his fraudulence and Internet begging, I'll always be Team Bobo in this one.

Bobo probably wouldn't kill anyone, and his mom probably makes him shower and brush his teeth every day, so I think that's the solid choice.

He does sodomize Mr. Malonigans though.

many people here are unadmitted CM subscribers.

Curious what you're basing that on. There are a number of private sites that upload all the shows, so if people talk about them they could have got them from one.

the way of the future. The way of the FUture. the way of the future. the way of the Future.

He was always better on R&F. Especially when they worked him in during 2007.

Big A trounced Fez Whatley not long ago. A killer performance. http://www.atomsmotion.com/uploads/bigafinal.mp3

They literally did that on o&a. It might have been even longer than 30 minutes, it's pretty god awful radio.

I wonder if Anthony actually likes him or enjoys his company; or if he's just too conflict averse to end the bit?

Ant surrounds himself with messes to avoid the one he is

He looks like uncle fester and brings nothing to the table. He probably rapes and he’s definitely a big pile of worthless shit.

He has wonderful breath though

That one episode where Patrice asks Big A what is momma would say to make him feel better when he got picked on (what did your mama say those other kids don’t understand you got..?) and then Ant comes in “p-p-p-eeersonaalitty” followed by Patrice’s roaring laughter makes me happy. I find his stuttering and mumbling hilarious.


I almost never enjoyed a retard bit, not even marginally. I'd always skip over any segment with Big A, Bobo, Twitchles, etc. That being said, Big A's Trinidadian wife bit and carribean accent Jimmy was one of the few of these I've heard and it was thoroughly worth it.

To me, Bobo and Big A are in a completely different class. Some of the Bobo bits are unbelievably hilarious. The Big A bits are just tedious.

Remember when they played the recording of Big A "dirty-talking" with that one decoy chick? Fucking hilarious

"H-H-H-Hot Cum"


Bobo's first appearance when they made him jerk off in front of an audience was classic.

Also the Up and Down game with Patrice.

Imagine Big A pushing you into bathroom stall, the smell of pickled pork and processed cheddar on his hot breath as he pushes you onto your knees. Off come the ill-fitting pants, and in an instant the gas station sausage odor is replaced by the sweet, yeasty stench wafting from his inner groin folds and flaking bag skin.

This is an unbelievable argument in favor of concealed carry.

Pray to God you get your shot off before he does.

By now, haven't enough serial killers been described as "clean cut" or "normal" for a guy like this to not fit the profile.

I forget if it was mentioned on O&A or R&F that his stuttering only flares up when he's on-air because he's "nervous," and can talk completely normally otherwise. Because after 10+ years of being on the radio you're still nervous.

Fuck off. Big A Army niggaaaaaaaaaa

Had me until better than bobo. The big retard is the worst. I loved when the broke his stupid autistic heart with that austrlian girl. I just wish that ended with him killing himself.



He is literally a monster.

well I hate "bobo." Fuck you, and fuck bobo, Big A deserves his status.

Reminder: Big A still wears his high school football ring, from when he was the equipment manager.

Yeah man fuck that dude with a speech impediment!

I love all these bipolar threads lately where we're all meant to hate these people now for being the same people they've been for over a decade. Like the threads about Jim and trannies... like how fucking new are some of you?

This sub does anything it can to be the too-cool contrarian pseudo fans, like nah man we're all big Travis Tefft fans around here! He's the real star of this universe we've created!

He's a fucking thief too. He stole those pot cookies at compound media.

All of those abominations that exist on the periphery of the show think that they're the only one in the bunch that is in on the joke. Each and everyone of them is the joke and everyone on the show is laughing at them, not with them.